Uncategorized King James: Not so Much

King James: Not so Much


Dispatches from the Drawing Board:

  • Funny, but South Beach doesn’t look so good now does it LeBron?
  • Let’s put it this way, Michael Jordan he’s not.
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6 thoughts on “King James: Not so Much”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    I am writing from HOME! I think I heard every creak of the floor and shift of the walls last night. But it was so good to be home.The nurses, doctors, p/t , o/t, s/t and t/r people at methodist here in Omaha are the best, in my book, anyway.

    as skip bayless would say and has said repeatedly lebron doesn’t have the clutch gene. I heard that so much over the last 26 days I just about could predict his every word. some people have it and want the ball in the final moments and some people pass the ball away. It is something that you are born with and it seems to come from confidence. and Money does not buy confidence. living in south beach does not make you confident.

    If it did that ball would never leave his hands. He is a team player and I guess that is his role with the team. If that is what they want and have paid for that is what they get.As dirty harry was known to say- “a man has to know his limitations.”

    Once again, thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. It was those good thoughts that kept me pushing the limits on my p/t etc. and allows me to say-

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. Not really an NBA or LeBron follower, but I love the humor and as always the attention to the little things. I heard some sports guy comparing him to ARod. I suppose it just may not be in some people’s makeup to be the hero, just the person with the talent and ability to make your team better.

  3. Drew–

    Your reference to the old 60’s cartoon “Super Chicken” had me laughing out loud. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only person who remembers those crazy programs (even if they were reruns when I saw them)!

  4. Great toon, Drew; but I’m not a LeBron fan!

    Welcome home Gene! So glad you’re doing better and back on the board. Continued wishes for your improved health.

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