Uncategorized A New Rocky for a New Tomorrow

A New Rocky for a New Tomorrow


Attention all former Rocky subscribers.

I want to alert all of you to the latest incarnation of the Rocky. If you haven’t seen the announcement that came down yesterday about many of the former staff members from the Rocky Mountain News continuing on in an online form please go to this link called http://www.indenvertimes.com/. I encourage all of you to consider subscribing to this new venture. As you know the newspaper industry is facing difficult and challenging times. There must be a change in the business model for the existence of newspapers to survive. I know some will ask why pay for something you get for free online. Good valid question. The new direction of the Rocky will include free content, but much like ESPN online, there will be a lot more content available to you if you are a subscriber. The interesting thing about this new online news product is that it is making the greatest use of multiple platforms technologically. Most newspapers ( my guess 99.9% of them) have merely tried to apply their print version of a paper into an online format. The entire product, instead, needs to be built from the ground up, which is exactly what this new venture will do. It will be an online newspaper product like you have never seen. Overall Newspapers are vital to objective reporting and the preservation of the American democracy depends on news sources whose content you can trust. I do not, at this time, know if I will be a part of this new Rocky adventure. I have several options I am exploring to continue my career. In time, I hope to share what those may be. But until then, please join me as a subscriber to this daring bold new Newspaper product.

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