Uncategorized A Season of Thanks

A Season of Thanks


Give Thanks and remember those less fortunate.




Denver, December 21, 2010 – For the twenty-fifth year, several hundred concerned citizens gathered on the steps of the Denver City and County Building this evening to attend the Homeless Persons’ Memorial Vigil.

Hosted by the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH), the candlelight vigil and name-reading ceremony paid tribute to 145 people who lived on the streets of the Denver metropolitan area and died during 2010. This was the only memorial service that will be conducted for most of these individuals.

The 145 Homeless Persons’ in Denver who lost their lives on the streets in 2010:

Daniel Adkins

Gerardo Aguilar, Jr.

Orlando Arellano

Michael Barker

Elfriede Beall

Marshal Beck

Donald “Sarge” Beebe

Jason Beierle

John Edward Bienick

Jeremy Bitner

Marie Boudreau

Juan Bravo

Morris Brooks

Benjamin Brothers

Bethel James Fierro

Paul Finney

Sean Fresques

Patrick Gallivan

Francisco Garcia

Jonathon Garrett

Gregory Gasser

Scott Gillette

Freddie Gioia

Thomas Glass

Roslyn Goodrich

Gabriel Gonzalez

Kerry Gordon

Ginger Griffiths

Tanya Guervara

Douglas Robert Hall

Kenneth Harlan

Enoch Harvey

Thomas Hecomovich

Deborah “Noah” Helmke

Jeff Hengst

Carlos Herrera

Janet Hodgson

David Jenkins

Luca Keep

Delores Keithline

John Keys

Marvell Kindred

Rebecca Koughn

Terry Kramer

David Krogman

Chuck Kutscher

Katrina Larson

J.D. LeLeeuw

Kent Long


Gailey Brown

Leerolline Burke

Christopher Cappuccilli

Nick Capra

John Carter

Cyndy Castellano

Danny Castillo

Rachel Castro

Nick Chavez

Charles Christo

Matthew Cochrane

Daniel Lee Coleman

Avril Collier

Quenton Condon

Michael Lovato

James Lynn

Michael Marchant

Deborah Martinez

Raul Martinez

Viola Martinez-Trujillo

Manual Marquez

Michael Meredith

Daniel Miles

Joseph Miller

Ralph “Halfbreed” Miller

Tom Moffitt

David Montoya

Danny Moon

Paul Moreno

Randy Morse

Luis Muniz

Jim Nelson

William Norris

Nanette Kay O’Brien

Mary Olson

Ralph Opgenorth

Abdullahi Osman

Joe Pelham

Tim Peterson

Barry Pierce

Eric Pittman

Richard Ploski

Marcos Prado-Valencia

Justin Purkey

Peter Quibell

Lisa Ragsdale

Eugene Redwine

Raymond Scott Renkert

Matthew Reynolds

Carol Cordoba

Liboria Coria-Campos

Danny Craig

Ronald Craggs

Vince Cullotta

Thomas Dalgetty

Michael Anthony DeRogatis

Casey Dean

Sally Dean

Rory Dechant

Scott Decker

Justin Drew

Lisa Ersland

Tom Fehervary

Anna Robuck

Antonio Rodriguez

Lee Romero, Sr.

Anthony Roziers

Armond Sarracino

Paul Aaron Savely

Larry Schelkopf

Andrea Scherer

Kim Schrock

Susann Marie Segundo-Garcia

Christopher Sherwood

Phillip Smith

Gerald Strickland

Joseph Sullivan

Anita Susco

Michael Templeton

Keith Torgersen

Marvin Torres

Douglas Towell

Kimberly Tubbleville

Steven Trujillo

T.J. Trujillo

Sam Valdez

Veronica Vigil

Loris Walker

Dwain Walmsley

Brian Wichek

Johnny Yeager

Monte Zing




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7 thoughts on “A Season of Thanks”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    leave it to Drew to shine the light of reality on us so we can appreciate what we have.Somewhere are the parents of these 145 people wondering where their children are and how they are doing. How they became homeless isn;t the issue today- their families no matter what happened are still out there asking even in passing where they are. If you believe in a god you know they are in a better place and are without need. not cold, hungry, angry, lonely.

    Merry Christmas to one and all.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. Dear Mr Litton,

    Your cartoon today reminds me of a cartoon you did for Thanksgiving many years ago when you were with the “Rocky”. It was a two panel shot. In the first panel it showed a football player and under his picture you wrote all the things he was going to eat before he played in his football game today. Then in the 2nd panel you showed someone who was starving and the caption “This man hasn’t eaten in weeks.” and underneath both was the phrase “Who will YOU be thinking of today?”

    I feel that cartoons like that and this one are very important if only to show that life shouldn’t just be all about sports, sports, sports.

    All the best


  3. Thanks again Drew for using your talents to bring to light what is really important! I was one of the homeless for years and it is something that will be with me for the rest of my life. It is a hard life, but a proud people. My heart goes out to all of the families affected and to the long list of volunteers that give their time to help out those looking to get off the streets. A very Merry Christmas to everyone, and here is to a very prosperous and joyous New Year

  4. I couldn’t help but notice that one had the nickname “Sarge”. I’m sure there are scores of vets among the homeless, not only in Denver but all over the country.

    It’s bad enough that we have so many homeless, but worse still that those who gave for us that didn’t should suffer so. I’m not one to beat my chest for jingoism, but it’s just plain wrong.

  5. Nice post Drew. Great reminder for what is really important–that mankind should be our focus, not the commercial aspect. Thank you again for another great year of sport and human commentary. Merry Christmas and a Happier New Year. cj

  6. I know this is an old article, but the love of my life, my husband is on this list. I can not explain how hard it was to learn that he finally lost the battle with his addiction.

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