Uncategorized And we interrupt this blog for more Football

And we interrupt this blog for more Football



Playin’ Favorites

I’m often asked what my favorite cartoon is. It’s an impossible question having drawn an average of 5 sports cartoons a week since 1982. But I can tell you my favorite kind of cartoons are one’s like this, quirky, fun, and something we as sports fans can all relate to. Of course, the part of the cartoon that got left out was the shoe that Juliet threw at Romeo as a response to his request, killing him and well, you know the rest of the story.

Have a good NO BRONCOS weekend. We’ll get through it together.

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3 thoughts on “And we interrupt this blog for more Football”

  1. It is cartoons like this one that are the timeless classics that everyone can enjoy. You are a genius. Keep it up.

  2. Good Morning from Omaha,

    I really enjoy this cartoon. I am lucky in that my wife also enjoys some football. I use the word some because she can watch maybe a game and that per day is enough for me also. I catch the highlight shows to keep up with the rest of the league. There is a life beyond the tube and I try to get out and live it.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  3. I am so thankful that my wife loves football, and other sports. Gene is right there is life beyond the tube and boy I got a really good scare last Sunday night by watching “Paranormal Activity”. I actually had to come home and watch football til one in the morning to get my mind off that flick. I usually dont scare too easy but that one did leave a permanent impression on me turning out the lights and hearing those bumps in the night. The Excorcist scared the hell out of me when I first saw it at seventeen and still does to this day. I do like scary movies but last weeks movie was a whole different animal, no gore just good old fashioned scares with a possession twist. Movies were always my first love next to sports and I am thankfull that my significant other shares the same things I do.

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