Uncategorized Broncos Make Another Trade

Broncos Make Another Trade


Broncos We Hardly Knew Ye

At this rate I’m not sure the Broncos will have much left in camp but Draft picks. I mean I’ve heard of cleaning house before but for goodness sakes, at least leave the kitchen sink. Amazing how one event, the firing of Mike Shanahan, has brought this once proud franchise to this. I’m sure everyone has some thoughts on this topic which I hope you will sound of on here. Do me a favor. Send this cartoon or the link to it to every Broncos fan you know. I think they all will find some humor in it.

ESPN cartoons later in the week.

Sherrie asked this question on Facebook and I just want to update. I should have a cartoon up on ESPN.com sometime before now and Thursday and I plan on drawing Thursday for Friday.

Mile High Sports Magazine has asked me to do the cover art for the June issue. Totally excited about that. I’ll update you when I can.

Now here’s a fun little poll for you to play with and the comments section is wide open and waiting for your opinion.

What do You Think of the Broncos Direction


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13 thoughts on “Broncos Make Another Trade”

  1. Maybe we can trade Josh McDaniels to some team for some Athletic Tape to be named later.

  2. Just remembered an old Drew Cartoon where Karl Mecklenburg was announced to be playing every position on defense. Maybe the cartoon can be updated and have Josh McDaniels playing every position on offense AND defense.

  3. Good Morning from Omaha,

    The spring house cleaning continues. If I remember right, troy and brandon were left out of the last game.

    Josh said something about an attitude problem or something to that effect. Its Josh;s team now. He WILL get the players he wants and he WILL get them to be a part of his system.

    Right or wrong. Its his team to do with as he wants. to paraphrase the old man in Oakland, “just win baby”

    we will have to see what happens. It may take 2-3 years to figure out if what little josh is doing is working or not so stay tuned. Denver is only 3 miles into the NFL marathon that josh started last year.

    Strive for excellence,nothing but your best.


  4. “Amazing how one event, the firing of Mike Shanahan, has brought this once proud franchise to this.”

    Puh-lease!! The way you talk about Shanahan, you make it sound like he won the Super Bowl last year and not 11 years ago! The Broncos have been very average and mediocre for a decade (with the exception of 2005). Clearly Mike Shanahan couldn’t do it any more. Shanahan was becoming the next Chuck Knoll, Don Shula or Tom Landry; great coaches with one franchise for many years, but couldn’t win the big one after the first several seasons. Bowlen did the right thing.

    Change had to happen. I know McDaniel’s has been controversial, but frankly I like it. He stirring the pot on a franchise that had grown stale for many years. Are you sure you still wanted Bob Slowik running the defense? They would have been 8-8 or worse this past year with Shanahan at the helm.

    As much as I love the Broncos (and I’ve been a loyal fan for more than 2 decades), let’s keep this in perspective. If the State of Colorado were to somehow establish a state religion, it would be the Broncos. That’s pretty sad if you ask me.

  5. It’s sad to see how Bowlen has let the franchise fall so far. He really must be loosing his mind like the reports say.

  6. Change is hard, but it has to happen. I stick by my comment of giving Josh some time to get things going in his direction. He hasn’t shown a penchant for revealing his grand plan, and he doesn’t have to. We will be entertained by the team on the field and all the goings on leading up to it, sit back and enjoy the ride. Besides this gives Drew so many opportunities.

  7. I really hope Little Joshy has a plan, because if it was to destory the team he is doing a great job of it!!!! Shannan need to go or get out of the personal moves area!! His drafts have been sucky to say it nicely. Friend told me the best if Josh wins we are happy if he loses badly and is gone we are happy!!! To be honest the NFL is a QB league and the Broncos have Kyle Orton, yea not looking good for the furture!!!

  8. I do not want to get off the subject here but I just wanted to say thank you to the local press out there on delivering a issue with the NBA officals it was finally mentioned on The Fan today. I am blue in the face already!

  9. Does anyone have a jersey of a still-active player? Does Josh get a cut on all new jerseys sold? I smell a conspiracy!

    Go ahead and clean house, Josh. But you had better get some results or the Denver faithful will REALLY turn on you. They may even issue a warrant.

  10. Drew I thought that you were happy about Marshall, Cutler, and Scheffler no longer being Broncos. So I find it hard to believe that now all of the sudden you are concerned about what the Broncos are doing.

  11. Do the players have an attitude problem or does McDaniels have an altitude problem? 5,280 feet makes some people goofy…


  12. I have a hard time swallowing the fact that McDuffus has traded away/let go of 3 ProBowlers and many more that are potential ProBowlers. Ben Hamilton is now gone too. This had better be good or I think that all this so called Head Coach is doing is preparing his noose for his neck!!!

  13. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Josh McDumbass trades the Barrel Man’s ashes for a draft pick.

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