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Manning Mania: The Fat Lady Ain’t Singing Yet.


Drawing two cartoons on the same day for two different clients can be a bit of a challenge. Not sure I hit either one of these out of the park so to speak but given the subject matter there were more than enough concepts to go around. This one was drawn for KUSA TV 9News in Denver.

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3 thoughts on “Manning Mania: The Fat Lady Ain’t Singing Yet.”

  1. Drew, hmm… two ‘toons, two clients, similar subject = solid hit. The season is young and like the Broncos, you too will hit your stride and then things will get interesting…

  2. Dear Drew,

    When I first learned about the signing of Peyton Manning I was of two thoughts. My biggest hope was that he would be like Joe Montana when he went from San Fransisco to Kansas City. My biggest fear was that because of the injury and its nature that he would be more like Joe Namath when he went from the NY Jets to the L.A. Rams (I think).

    I’m glad that for at least one game he was Joe Montana.

    All the best


    P.S. Won’t do any posting until next week. Heading to my annual anime convention in south Denver.

  3. Good ones, Drew! I’m stoked for the season, but trying to temper myself with that was only one game. Love the defense, tho, love the defense.

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