Uncategorized NBA Lockers of today…

NBA Lockers of today…



Lawyers, guns and money

I’ve been meaning to get around to this topic for days now. Scary that this is really what it’s come to. Pulling a gun on a teammate in the locker room. Don’t you wish we could wander back to the days of Wooden. I know I do.

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9 thoughts on “NBA Lockers of today…”

  1. good morning from Omaha,

    Ron artest has been a pain in the NBA’s collective butt for the last several years.

    If I remember correctly he was involved in the brawl in detriot, also.

    I read somewhere that this is an example of what happens with immature kids given (earning) more money then they could have ever imagined in their impoverished chidhoods.

    Not that I would do any better if I hit the powerball, ( you’ll have to ask my family about my lack of athletic abilities) but even an idgit knows guns are not toys.

    and dead is forever.


  2. Drew,

    I have to admit, I enjoy your cartoons a lot, but I heavily dislike your characterizations of the NBA in this cartoon. This was an isolated incident in a player doing something foolish – brandishing a gun in a locker room against a fellow teammate. The fact that the NBA is being singled out in this case is nothing short of ridiculous, and you are simply perpetuating negative stereotypes about a sport whose athletes are, yes, predominantly black.

    The fact is that athletes in…ummm, well three of the 4 major sports (MLB and NFL as well) have been known to pack heat, but none of them have to deal with the stigma of constantly being characterized as thugs which comes back to your cartoon.

    While I disagree with guns being a solution to an athlete’s insecurity about safety, your cartoon’s title, “An NBA locker” doesn’t make it any better. Maybe it’s just the title that set me off…sorry to get all preachy.

  3. Maybe we can’t go back to the days of Wooden, but it would sure be nice if all of our lives had the same high character that Coach Wooden has.

    “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – John Wooden

  4. Nice toon Drew. I do believe it does reveal how the NBA decline in players morals. Most NBA players are individuals who do not realize what an opportunity they are provided by being able to play in the NBA. Why is Artest still allowed to play in the NBA? Why isn’t he in jail? Because he is an athlete. If I pulled a gun on someone I work with, loaded or unloaded, I would be fired immediately and hauled off to jail. Now Artest is saying he now knows it was not a funny to pull a gun on someone. Why didn’t he say this last week when it was released? I cannot remember the last time I watched an NBA game because of the image that the NBA reflects. I will watch college ball and semi-pro but the NBA needs to change their image before I will start watching them.

  5. Great toon Drew. Everyone is saying that it was Artest who drew the gun, but I think that’s a mistake. I’m fairly sure it was Gilbert Arenas. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

  6. It was Gilbert Arenas, and NBA Commissioner David Stern just suspended him indefinitely, pending the results of the criminal investigation. The damage is done, but at least the right steps are being taken to correct the situation.

    The irony here is that the Washington Wizards used to be known as the Washington Bullets. The name was changed in order to de-emphasize gun violence, among other things. Seems that Arenas didn’t get the message. Well, let’s hope that they take a substantial amount of his $16.2 million paycheck for this season.

  7. GMFO,

    man am I an idiot. it is arenas not artest.

    please don’t give me any money, if I can’t get names correct

    would I confuse the benjamins and the hamiltons.

    I will write no more today, as my punishment!!!


  8. I did the same thing to Gene. Sad part is I live in Baltimore and work by DC, I should have known better.

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