Uncategorized Now that’s a Hero

Now that’s a Hero


This cartoon is dedicated to all the great teachers I know now and who taught me then. Teachers like Kim Humphreys, Rebecca Robles, Michael Mehle, Cheryl Wolf, Michelle Worden and Melanie Dressman are among the heroes reaching the kids of today. Mrs Lockett, Mr. Parr, Mrs Frost, Mrs Fultz, Dr. Leonard, and Mr. Card helped to shape the students of my generation. I know you have some who shaped yours. I hope you’ll think about e-mailing a few of them today’s cartoon and telling them how much they meant to you or how much they mean to your own kids. Feel free to share your list of favorite teachers right here in the comments section. Let’s make it Teachers are the real Heroes day!

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10 thoughts on “Now that’s a Hero”

  1. I agree that Mrs. Pearson is a hero. I know her personally and see how dedicated she is, and how hard she works everyday for her students. As a teacher, I just want to say thanks for the cartoon.

  2. Really good one, Drew. I hear people here in the Portland area complain about public teachers getting paid too much and i just want to scream. That’s the future in those class rooms. I think teachers should be the highest paid people anywhere. I will forward this to a wonderful woman who has taught at an alternative high school for many years and still loves her job and more importantly the students she teaches.

    On another note, in my high school years, there were a number of teachers who were great and great influences. Mr. Kleekamp (social studies), Mrs. Helgeland (literature/debate), Miss Hunt (German), my history teacher from the south with the wonderful beard who experienced the beginnings of the civil rights movement. They all taught facts, but compassion and reasoning as well.

  3. Love, love , love today’s comments. I so hope many more will join you in paying tribute to the teachers of the world. And Congrats to Mrs Pearson, Colorado’s own Teacher of the year, who inspired this cartoon that I did for this weeks Metro North News

  4. Good Morning from Omaha,

    Teachers are the foundation from where everyone launches their endeavors.

    Without reading writing and ‘reithmetic nothing else is possible. My Mom was a

    teacher, my wife is a teacher, my son is in his second year of teaching out there in the

    Denver area. I remember the names of some of my most challenging teachers.

    While we don’t think we teach because we don’t have the diploma or certification we

    teach our kids everyday..by what we do and by what we leave undone. The kids learn quickly

    what we value and what can wait.

    Maybe a lot of problems in this world would end if we as adults would realize what we are teaching

    our kids every day and assume the responsibility of our action.

    Me and my soap box have to go out and clean the gutters and mulch the leaves.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  5. Great Point. I still have that one you did about the “big” city fireman and Wilt. You are one voice that tries to keep things in their proper perspective. Thanks

  6. Dear Mr. Litton,

    I’ve had teachers and instructors who I call hero’s. I hate to admit this but I also have a couple of teachers who ever after 30-40 years when I think of them my blood pressure rises for various reasons. Many of my hero’s I don’t remember by name. One of the few exceptions was Mr. Gosset who taught music. He was the only person who didn’t mind my habit of thumpng my foot to the beats of songs as we were singing them.

    There is another person I knew by name that I want to give gratitude to by name. She wasn’t a teacher but was my high school counselor. Mrs. Jan Mienhold. In a timeframe that was very awkward for me for various reasons she always showed faith in me. For that I owe a debt I keep trying to repay but doubt I ever will.

    On a side note and a different topic Gene from Omaha made a Groucho Marx quote that reminded me of another one. This one was typical Groucho.

    “We took some pictures of the native girls but they weren’t developed…..but we’re going back again next year.”

    Final side note. Too bad Buffalo and Detroit aren’t playing this weekend. You could have drawn a picture of the Marx Brother going up aganst the Stooges. Maybe there is a game in the NFL later this year where the idea could be used.

    All the best


  7. This former teacher thanks you. If only one of those North Metro Schools had hired me after I left Dallas…

  8. I’m honored that I’ve been Mrs. Pearson’s friend for over 20 years and she is indeed a hero to her students and her friends and family.

  9. Thanks Drew for your thoughtful cartoon and for taking the time to thank those special teacher-heroes who have made a difference in your life!

    I know that there are many teachers who rarely hear a thank you for their dedication, vision, and work with students. Regardless, each one continues to positively touch lives. I want to extend my thanks to them, and to all of those people who support education. It is through our work together that we make a difference for each child every day. I hope that I can share that heartfelt message this year.

    Thanks for thanking a teacher(s) — know that we are also reflective of every student who has touched our lives. After all – we are all in this together. :o)

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