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Tebow: All Things are Possible


It’s all a matter of Faith. Believing you can when so many tell you that you can’t. For Tebow it’s a matter of personal faith. Tim and I share the same beliefs, though I must admit, after the loss of my first wife from cancer in 2004, my faith has been tested and tried and many times has wavered. But I’ve learned a few things from Tebow this year. That it’s time to believe again that life can indeed be good after heartache and hardship. That things have a way of working out. That overcoming impossible odds isn’t really impossible.

It’s what I find most intriguing about sports. I have a friend who asks me often why people love sports so much. I tell her it’s all about the human will to be excellent. The will to win and overcome defeat and adversity. It’s about the Miracle On Ice. It’s about movies like “Hoosiers” and “Glory Road”. It’s about driving 98 yards with time running out in Cleveland. Or throwing a pass on the first play of overtime to beat a 12-4 team in a game that no one in their right mind gave you the chance to win. And sometimes, most of the time, all of that takes faith to achieve. So I hope you all take this cartoon in the light it was intended. Because, It’s all a matter of Faith.

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9 thoughts on “Tebow: All Things are Possible”

  1. A trip to Denver, Christmas, New Years, catching up at work have left me way behind and missing a ton of great toons and comments. Thanks, Drew, for all this great stuff. Considering the strike to start this season, NFL fans, and non fans for that matter, have been given a gift of great entertainment and refreshing good feeling from this young man. It’s almost as if the NFL scripted this. What better way to get people feeling good about the product again! I watched the game with a friend from Pennsylvania, Who was heard to mutter “You’ve got me rooting for Denver.” Not me, it was the spirit of the team, the Tebow faith. Believer or non believer, you got to hand it to him for his confiction of faith, it is truly contagious.

  2. Thanks for sharing, both the picture and your story. I have printed a black and white copy of this and it’s hanging in my cubicle now.

  3. GMFO-

    what a wonderful cartoon and editorial. You hit the ball out of the park! All good things begin with belief and believing in yourself.

    Thank you so much for sharing your talents.

    Strive for excellence,nothing but your best.


  4. I’ve always said it (including here): Tebow does it right. He gives his praise up front, which is his right, but then he moves on to the business at hand. He doesn’t proselytize; he opens the door, but allows the viewer to make the choice to walk in. I’ve seen too many “pious” men who condemn others for their choices.

    After that play, my father and I “Tebowed” in front of the set for the benefit of my mother’s camera. It was a humorous moment for all of us, but we meant it out of gratitude. God speed, Tim.

  5. Loved the cartoon and commentary Drew.

    To me sports is about hope, no matter the obstacles or odds there is always hope. Hope that the underdog can win,,,when everybody says you can’t–you do! That’s why they play the game, because you never know what can happen.

  6. One of your best cartoons and commentaries. Sorry I missed it when it first came out. Hope itremains true this weekend. It could be a great testimonial.

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