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The Witch Hunt


Personally, I think this thing with Lance Armstrong has gone on long enough. Someone, somewhere has a personal vendetta or an agenda here that they just won’t let go of. I know Armstrong has a reputation of not always being the easiest guy to work with. But seriously, can we just move on now.

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8 thoughts on “The Witch Hunt”

  1. Good morning from Omaha,

    I could not agree with you more about Lance Armstrong. He has made an enemy of someone up toward the top of the cycling corporate chart and that person or group of people refuse to let it go.

    For some reason this whole thing reminds me of Robin Williams take on Lance, paraphrasing here, if not everyone does not have one testicle like lance, than lance must be cheating and too aerodynamic. Its really funny when Williams does his routine on Lance.

    I really think Greg Lemond is jealous of Lance’s accomplishments and does not want to be overshadowed.

    Sounds like your re invention is well underway. Its not going to be easy but nothing good ever is.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. If this ever is resolved it will be GREAT – a great athletic achievement or a great cover-up.

  3. Maybe there is evidence Armstrong is guilty of what USADA claims him to be. Should he be different than any other cyclist who would be sanctioned for similar offenses? Why not let the process play out before smearing USADA of a witch hunt?

  4. I have my heroes and Lance is one of the elite. My precious Daughter was dying of a rare childhood cancer when I stood in front of Lance and other members of the President’s council to tell her story. Trembling with tears I knew my hero was there to help her and other like her. No one will ever be able to take our admiration away. LEAVE my daughter’s hero alone – STOP trying to destroy an outstanding legacy!

  5. Russ, is anyone who survives cancer above the rules of their profession and perhaps the law, or just Lance Armstrong?

  6. Whatever fanboy. You keep drinking the “smug thug” and Pharmstrong cool-aid in Johantown. Countless cyclists have died and these guys are 100% responsible.

  7. in the interest of keeping the sport of cycling clean..i think it is pointless to launch a witch hunt against Lance Armstrong unless we are prepared to posthumously take Tour De France titles from Jacques Anquetil and Fausto Coppi..both riders admitted to using drugs.

  8. I agree with Ian. In fact, better throw Tommy Simpson under the microscope as well– his drug use was pretty well established– and take a look at Merckx and Hinault.

    Drew’s cartoon is dead on.

    The “Salem Witch Trial” theme is apt; it’s the same sort of zealots with no apparent interest in facts, justice, or truth that seem to be propelling this stuff. Continually contriving new ways to evaluate old test results, or coercing “hearsay” testimony is specious, dishonest, and frankly, a waste of time.

    To answer the question: is Lance is somehow above being treated like everyone else, the answer is of course, no. That’s the point: Armstrong passed EVERY drug test he was given. Yet now—years later– he is continually chased by people with hearsay evidence or “new” tests for old samples. Who else is subjected to this sort of retroactive harassment? HE PASSED EVERY TEST over his entire career.

    If he successfully gamed the system, then he gamed the system – odd though, since the testing protocols seemed to work on everyone else (Landis, Ulrich, Hamilton, etc. etc. etc.) His results were also consistent with his record as an incredible endurance athlete; it’s not like he came out of nowhere.

    It baffles me as to what these anti-Lance zealots think they are accomplishing (other than getting their names in the media). Maybe destroy LIVESTRONG and the hopes of millions of cancer victims?

    Move on. Drop it. It’s 2012 and there are real problems to confront TODAY.

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