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One is the Loneliest Number…


Sometimes I get ideas from song tunes. I’ve used songs by U2, Simon and Garfunkel and Kermit the Frog (which was actually penned by the great Paul Williams). Today’s is a song made popular by Three Dog Night. It was actually written by Harry Nilsson.

The worst song choice I ever used in a cartoon…”If I Only had a Brain” from the Wizard of Oz. I couldn’t stop singing it for days.

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10 thoughts on “One is the Loneliest Number…”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha-

    It would appear that TO,0r as Skip Bayless calls him Team Obliterator, career has run its course. The chance to earn the “easy” money of the NFL is gone. Hopefully he has saved some of it for his future or he is headed to reality show hell or worse.

    Great cartoon drew. you consistently bring brilliant ideas to life. you are the general electric of cartoonist and that is a big compliment.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. A legend in his own mind.

    Great toon Drew. Maybe someothers will take note of how “popular” TO is, and realize that playing professional football is not a right, it is a privledge.

  3. It is amazing how you capture a feeling with so little. TO take the Arena football league, prove that you have changed, come back and be the next grocery boy story……sort of.

  4. Harry Nilsson wrote that song? Learn something new every gosh darn day. Now I need to hear that song, one of my favorites.

  5. Dear Drew,

    It is remarkable throughout his carrer T.O. went around with an attitude of “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LISTEN TO ME! QUOTE ME!” I still remember how when he was with S.F. against Dallas he scored a TD then ran to the middle of the “Star” at the 50 yard line. Also there was the “Sharpie” episode. His bravado reached its peak when he wore that cover over his uniform that “T.O. Hall of Fame 20??”

    So its almost sweet revenge to see T.O. whose actions screamed “LOOK AT ME” is finding out what life is like when people don’t care to look anymore.

    That may sound cold and callous of me to say that but that is my honest feeling about the T.O. situation.

    All the best.


    P.S. I think I remember the cartoon using the “If I only had a brain” song. That had to do with the NCAA didn’t it?

  6. GMFO-

    rumor has it he and cutler will soon be on the same sideline in Chicago- RUMOR- now that would be quite a pair to draw to, wouldn’t it.


  7. I, personally, am going to miss him. While I never would have wanted him on a team I root for, he was entertaining.

  8. Terrell Owens has no one, but himself, to blame for his lack of a contract. Like CJ previous posted, Terrell is a “legend in his own mind.” He let greed, bravado, and his gargantuan ego, get in the way of treating his skills as gifts. His selfishness is what got him to where he is today. One is the lonliest number. However, in Terrell’s case, maybe some alone-time, and self-introspection, are exactly what he needs.

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