Uncategorized Cubs vs. Sox

Cubs vs. Sox


Rivalries are good. They are one of the things that make sports so exciting. CU-Nebraska. Alabama-Auburn. The Broncos-Raiders. UTEP-New Mexico State. Aha. I threw that last one in for two reasons. One to see if you were paying attention, and the other to illustrate rivalries gone bad. When two really bad teams go head to head against each other, does it cease to be a rivalry? Does it matter when two lightweights go at it in a ring full of heavyweights? Such is the case in Chicago starting Monday night. Two teams, true rivals, will go at each other for supremacy, or what ever you call it when both teams are truly bad.

This one appeared over the weekend in the Tribune. They changed my size a bit so that’s the reason for the smaller size here. It’s easier to view. Other wise you might’ve had to scroll all the way down the page to see it.

I hope everyone had a great Fathers day. I miss my Dad who passed away in 2005. The older I get the more and more I realize what a great man he was. I was very fortunate to have such a great role model in my life. I miss him, but I never feel far from him. We had a terrific relationship, especially as we grew older. We were very different in so many ways, but so much the same in others. I hope you’ll share some of you thoughts about your own fathers as well.


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3 thoughts on “Cubs vs. Sox”

  1. Another example of a bad rivalry also could be uneven teams such as the Phillies-Mets rivalry. I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad, but I hope you had a great Father’s day.

  2. Good Morning from Omaha,

    I had one of my best father day’s ever. Spent time with our first grandchild my daughter and her husband and my son and his wife.Played golf, badly, but with my son and his wife and my wife it was a ball. We went downtown and walked on the pedestrian bridge over the flooded Missouri RIver, rode 20 miles on the bike and went to church. and 90% of that was Sunday.

    My wifes father is still very much alive and is quite the go-er.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  3. Drew–

    I miss my dad… he passed away when I was 23. That’s been a while ago, but Father’s Day is usually a bittersweet occasion for me. My husband’s dad is still around, and it’s been interesting observing how the relationship between them has changed/matured over the years.

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