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ESPN: NBA Draft Laff


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5 thoughts on “ESPN: NBA Draft Laff”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    what was the line from the old warren zevon song- send lawyers, guns and money….its seem pro sports has about enough of all three. Its time for some common sense to prevail.

    If and its a big IF these pro athletes who work very hard at their craft, were to have to work at whatever their major was in college and get a taste of the real world, they might appreciate just how well they have it. Although some of them maybe woefully unprepared for life off the court or grid iron.

    Priorities have to be realigned so that teachers, who lay the foundation for all the additional learning that takes place, are paid along the same lines as some of the athletes. If their first grade teacher didn’t teach them to read, lawyers would be out of business. And if second and third grade teachers didn’t teach them the basics of addition and subtraction as well as to multiply and divide most people wouldn’t know if they were making money or losing it. It because a teacher, probably a science teacher, taught Bill Gates the basics of electricity and electrons and protons we have what has become the internet net.

    Yes even Drew, who learned his colors early in his life, might still be scratching out a living on the sand pile if his teachers did not encourage him to develop his talents.

    strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. I thought the funny thing was all the players who were drafted that no one knew.. It’s almost as if others were doing a different kind of research…or maybe the teams figure that these players from countries other than the USA will be easier to sign and have less complications with agents. Either way, I thought it was ironical that they could barely pronounce the names let alone comment on their offensive and defensive tendencies.

  3. Gene: The only difference is that teachers (a group to which I belong) are paid by taxes. Athletes, lawyers and CEO’s all get their money on the free market (although a CEO might have gotten a taxpayer bailout sometime in the last four years). A richer lawyer or ball player doesn’t come at the expense of the average person on the street, at least in a way which he/she can complain about on a radio talk show. Here in Oklahoma, I’m resented just for being a public employee in a lot of circles, because “why should my taxes support your living?”

    My favorite sports are still soccer, college football and mixed martial arts – which have had a combined 0 work stoppages.

  4. Hey Drew,

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    Thanks Drew!

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