Uncategorized For Patriots Fans…It’s Gonna be a long Year!

For Patriots Fans…It’s Gonna be a long Year!


First and Foremost, A huge Hello to my pal, and yours, Gene Anderson. Here’s a brief note from Gene I got on Tuesday night off of Facebook.

Gene: “well heck-the family is keeping you guys up to date. I can’t add to it so tomorrow I’ll talk about the best apple juice ever.” We can hardly wait Mr. Anderson!

I drew this cartoon for Universal Press (my syndicate) in the almost near stupor of completing my Super Bowl Cartoon Marathon for ESPN.com on Sunday night/Monday morning. I must admit. All-nighters are much harder than they used to be but there simply is no other way to do the 10 cartoons I needed to do (9 for the SB blog and the 1 for the syndicate.) Any way, I hope you enjoy. And if you know a Patriots fan, it’s the perfect little “in your face” cartoon to e-mail every few days or so until the start of next season. Just a thought.

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8 thoughts on “For Patriots Fans…It’s Gonna be a long Year!”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    the patriot way? that is what little Josh was selling denver. Pioli is selling it in KC and even brought in Matt Cassel in hopes it would materialize on the field. Haley is gone but crennel is back as the HC and he has some patriot way left in him. The patriot way is bellicheck. and mark kraft and how they treat the players. The players are pieces of a puzzle and he has no sentimental attachment to any of them. It is what did you do lately, not remember that awesome catch against the bills- as an example.

    Apple juice story- part of my problem caused by my stroke is the fact that I can not swallow. I have to learn that very simple task again. But I still have to eat- so they tried an NGI tube. I learned that NGI stands for not going in. So Monday they put a peg tube in my stomach for nourishment and meds. Its a relatively simple procedure. you are knocked out- they run a tube with a diode down into your stomach- they look for the light and put they tube in.

    When I woke up the recovery nurse asked if I wanted something. OF course I asked for a frostie malt and of course they said NO. She offered me apple juice. Usually If I have achouce of 5 things to drink, including water, apple juice finishes at number 6. But this ws the coldest sweetest apple juice I had ever tasted. I couldn’t swallow but swish and spit I did and my mouth exploded in joy. that was the first taste of anything beside water and pink lemonade I had had since wednesday night. It was soooo coolllddd and so sweet I almost cried when they took it from me. It was that good.Oh MRs. A put the pink Crystal light lemonade away because it was to loaded with stuff and left gunk on my mouth so I am back to drinking Ice water, until I learn to swallow again. My taste buds are ready to go off!

    Needle in the knee- sure why not? see you guys next time but always remember-

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best!


  2. You render me speechless. With joy of course. And tears in my eyes. Stay strong. Think “Frostie Malt”. It won’t be long.

  3. Gene, what a great perspective you have on life! Keep up the hard work. On a more trivial note, I have a friend who loves all that is Boston and dislikes all that is NY, he must be hating life this week.

  4. Gene,

    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful insight with all of us. I now want to go get a drink of apple juice. I am sure with how you always strive for nothing but your best, that you will have that Frostie Malt very soon. You are truly an inspiration, and I am keeping you in my prayers. In addition, I also have class of 1st graders praying for you.

  5. Great cartoon, Drew! I think it is so appropriate, as the Patriots are such an “in your face” team that does nothing but gloat about their prowess. While they did have one or two good plays in the game, actions do speak louder than words. The Giants deserve to celebrate their Super Bowl win. I’m not so sure the Patriots deserved a loser-prize of a trip to Aruba, however.

    GENE!!!! Good evening from Minnesota! 🙂 As you wrote about Belichick, all I could think of was the movie “Despicable Me” and all of the minions. Belichick is something else, to be sure.

    Now on to more important things…. I love your attitude! Having such a positive attitude and sense of humor, are so helpful in the healing process. Your writing about apple juice and frosty malts, reminds me that what we consider to be “little things” can be “big deals” for others. Celebrate your achievements – how ever little or big they are. It is important, and well-deserved. I pray that your ability to swallow will return soon, as those muscles heal and strengthen. Continued blessings!


  6. Sooo good to see you posting again Gene! Keep up your great attitude and you will accomplish anything.

  7. Go Gene! I loved reading your update… you are one helluva writer capturing the humor and joy in any situation. You had me tasting the apple juice.

    Tear ’em up, strive for excellence, nothing but your best!

  8. Drew–

    LOVE this one! I enjoy seeing the Patriots get another needed dose of hubris.


    It’s great to again read your updates. As some other folks have mentioned, you have a fantastic way with words. I never cared much for apple juice, but I may have to reconsider that after reading your post. Please, keep on “keeping on”!

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