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Lusters Last Stand


Athletes often believe they are above the law, above the people who pay tickets to see them. Egos are massive, often times they are pandered to at every juncture of their lives. Such is the case with Roger Clemens. Too many people have bowed to him, worshiped him and set him on a pedestal. Even his current counsel for this very serious indictment has led him to believe he is above the law. That he can say and do anything he wishes. It will be Clemens undoing. He is trapped now in a situation that I still don’t think he fully understands. He could do jail time. Serious jail time. And yet he denies and continue to deny any wrong doing. It’s hard to watch. And it draws a parallel to Custer’s tragic moment in history.

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3 thoughts on “Lusters Last Stand”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    Who do you believe? the trainer, who allegedly injected Roger and his wife with steroids OR the guy who claims he was never injected with steroids?

    The trainer had better have some evidence beyond his word. Its not what happened its what can you prove.

    Either Roger is whistling through the graveyard in ignorance or the trainer, who before all this started, was an unknown is trying to make a name for himself.

    As long as Roger’s checks don’t bounce, the lawyer will offer up any defense necessary to keep MR.Clemons out of jail.

    In criminal law, the easiest thing to hang someone with is lying to the feds, F.B.I. or larger. Its a little hypocritical for congress to accuse someone of lying to them when, in general, they lie to the american people everyday. Pot meet Kettle.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. Well said Gene.

    Clemens may not be anywhere remotely near my top choice for best person in the world, but I would have no problems voting not guilty. He’s basically being in trouble for (allegedly) taking a legal substance. MLB may say he can’t take it, but that’s between MLB and Clemens, the government has no business being involved.

    Thus, Clemens lying is not relevent and as Gene said the government gettting mad about him lying is the pot calling the kettle black.

    The government should be involved in this case is if the trainer held a gun to Clemens and forced him to take the steroids.

    They may decide that Clemens gets jail time, but in this case I’d consider that to be caging an innocent, which is something the government does all the time.

  3. Dear Mr. Litton,

    I guess you could say (based on your cartoon) that Roger Clemens is about to learn what its like to be on the wrong end of a shooting gallary.

    All the best


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