Uncategorized NFL Negotiation Update

NFL Negotiation Update


So after much silent from both sides we start to get some news about the “negotiations” in the NFL lockout. Here’s a couple of links on the latest from  ESPN and another from Sports Illustrated. I say no matter what they decide the fans have already gotten the rotten end of the deal. Because you know where they’ll make up the difference right? Out of the pockets of fans who buy tickets that will will be more expensive and merchandise with bigger mark-ups. Agree? Disagree? Let me hear ya!

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3 thoughts on “NFL Negotiation Update”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    Seems the lack of attention is getting the attention of the NFL owners and players. The negotiations are supposed to be hush hush stuff but these guys leak like a dike along the Missouri river. The players seem to looking toward the future with a bit of smaller percentage of a more valuable pie. and it seems they are making retired players a part of the deal as well.

    IN the meantime life goes on. I kind of like the quiet. No OTA talk about who is and who isn’t there. The sports radio talk guys have to expand their horizons and learn new topics to bring to the table. No I don’t expect 24 hour tour de France talk or a lot of wimbledon tennis gabbing but to keep things interesting the sports talkers are having to learn things other than football.

    IN the meantime, we fans are surely going to pay more, as you said, for things at the stadium including concessions and tickets. the advertising rates to cover the new tv deals are going to mean higher prices for beer, razor blades and even cell phones and blue jeans.

    I think the negotiators are hearing the fans footsteps as they head toward the door and away from the palaces they have built for sunday afternoons. Yes in the end we will be asked to pay more. Will we??

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. I must say I like the idea of packaging 16 games for Thursday night and getting the TV revenue from that. Now, the billion dollar question is, with the owners take that projected $2B deal and use the money to ease the burden of ticket prices and the cost of games for the fan, or will they pocket the money? (that was a stupid question to ask, we all know the answer)

    I also like the idea that every team MUST spend the entire salary cap on players. Owners can no longer drop payroll and pocket an extra $20-50M a year.

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