Uncategorized Trouble in Paradise?

Trouble in Paradise?


The upcoming story in Sports Illustrated on Lance Armstrong’s alleged doping sounds pretty ominous. I keep hoping it isn’t true. Armstrong means too much to too many people who are survivors of cancer. But the trail of evidence continues to grow hotter, not colder. Here’s wishing it’s all not true.

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6 thoughts on “Trouble in Paradise?”

  1. Dear Drew,

    First of all I have to admit I’m surprised you didn’t do a cartoon of the Carmelo Anthony no-trade. As I said earler this whole episode was like watch a version of the hokey pokey. Only in this case when the Net’s owner did the Anthony hokey-pokey he decided that WASN’T what its all about.

    All right. Now for the cartoon. How many times did cycling heads test Armstrong during his competition days? From what I understand a lot. Yet they could never prove anything. They have laid false claims against Armstrong in the past which is why my ability to believe this time bornders on the (sarcastic) “Yeah…..right!” category. They’ve been trying so hard to discredit Armstrong for so long that any claims these days stretches credability to a rediculous level. I find myself believing that a more likely scenerio is that they’re trying to plant evidence one way or another just to save their own hides.

    I’ll stop my speech (for now). I think I’ve made my point (I hope).

    All the best


  2. Good Morning from Omaha,

    Wow, Louis said it all. I don’t know who has a bug up his rump for Lance but he best get over it! The Tour has been plagued over the last decade or so with all kinds of allegations that have been proven true, almost immediately. Now YEARS after the fact they are still trying to smug Armstrongs reputation. I don’t get it. Are there NO good people who are athletes left in the world anymore. I guess I am getting tired of people trying to tear each other down. the old saying “If you can’t say anything nice,don’t say anything at all” should be applied across the board.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  3. Louis,

    I was going to do a Carmelo cartoon, but since my Wednesday cartoon is almost always drawn for United Features it has to be national in scope and I was afraid the Carmelo thing could change at any moment. It did. The Nets pulled out of the deal late in the day. I will probably address Melo tomorrow or sometime next week. thanks man.

  4. Gene. Got your message. I’m sorry we’ll not have time to connect this go round. Just stay safe.

    I’m with you on this Lance thing. It just never seems to go away. I haven’t seen the SI issue with the story in it. I don’t know if it’s factual or following a trail of planted evidence. I just wish it would all go away. These are the type of stories I hate to draw stuff about. I’d much rather just wait.

  5. Drew,

    I too keep hoping that these allegations are false and that it is just some silly goofball that has a bug about Lance. For seven years Lance dominated the cycling world like no one else and he was the most tested athlete. He was born to be a cyclist just like Nolan Ryan was born to be a pitcher. Lance is either one of the greatest athletes of our time or he has pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes of all time. My money is on a great athlete.

  6. I hope it’s not true either, but I have a fear that my generation is about to have its own Shoeless Joe Jackson moment. This will sting way worse than steroids in baseball or soccer match fixing in Italy.

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