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NFL Overtime: A Mess



What do you think of the NFL’s overtime rule


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8 thoughts on “NFL Overtime: A Mess”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    So lets see if I have the right. New OT rules are for the playoffs only. If the first team in OT score a field goal the other team gets the ball to try and score a TD. If the first team in OT with the ball scores a TD the game is over. If the first team with the ball in OT doesn’t score(thats a real push with the kickoff from the 30) then what happens.

    I like the college version of OT. but the NFL is “worried” about the wear and tear on players. These are big guys who are supposedly in great condition and the owners are worried about the extra 15-30 minutes that it “might” take to end a game? they seem to think that the week between games isn’t enough time for the players to recover.

    the owners seem to feel these 200-300 lb overpaid babies can’t handle the extra physical stress. If you needed more proof that the owners treat their players less like employees and more like chattel, I don’t know where you find it.

    Oh well, looks like I am back to “rant” and roll.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. L-A-M-E better fits the old overtime rules. What would be best is if they went to the college OT rules. The field position arguement is bunk as every rule change in the past 20 years is geared towards offensive football anyways.

  3. Honestly, this is really dumb. Why is is to wrong if the team that wins the coin toss wins if they score first (old rules). Which whiney team cried like my 10 year old about how it wasn’t fair? Hello, it’s totally fair – that’s what the DEFENSE is for, to stop someone from scoring.

    At this rate, it’ll turn into something similar to pee-wee league where no one “wins” and everyone gets at least one chance to score.


    (lovin’ the ‘toon, Drew!)

  4. I agree with Godess. I am sure there may be many better ways to do it, but everybody has the same chance to win in regulation. If you can’t get it done, then you take your chances.

  5. Hey StanBob – If I didn’t put the Bailey’s in my morning cup o’joe, and the Jameson in my afternoon cup o'”ginger ale” how would I make it through my day? 🙂


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