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Rumble Seat


rumble seat

Can’t We All Just Get Along

It’s now called Somebody-Killed-the-Dove Valley. Jay Cutler and Josh McDaniel’s can’t even make it through a conference call without somebody going Rambo and slamming the phone down. My Prediction: A sideline brawl breaks out in mini-camp and the season unravels from there. There’s nothing worse than a family feud and this one is about to rip this fragile franchise apart. Whose stinking fault is all of this anyway? I say Pat Bowlen is to blame for this fiasco. He continues to watch the train wreck he created when he fired Mike Shanahan and brought in Howdy Doody’s little brother, Josh, to be the conductor. Although I can’t pin the whole thing on Bowlen since Jay Cutler has suddenly gone all Mr. Pouty on us. Geez, will somebody just act their age. Oops. My bad. They are. That’s what immaturity will buy you.

Caption Contest coming Tomorrow

Get your pens and your puns ready. Starting tomorrow and every Friday, we’re starting our own caption contest. I’ll supply the drawing, you supply the funny part. Two Rules. Be original. And Keep it Clean. The winner gets the cartoon with their caption in it, and a Fraternal Order of Pigskin T-shirt. Second place get’s to take Josh and Jay to counseling. Just kiddin’.

Question of the Day

If you were the Broncos Owner what would you do to settle the dispute between Josh and Jay? Have a take. and keep it clean so the kids can read it.

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6 thoughts on “Rumble Seat”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha…

    Bowlen needs to arrange a face to face meeting at some neutral site with him as moderator. If he doesn’t figure this out then he has made another decision. He will have shown Denver that he doesn’t want Jay C to be the quarterback of your beloved bronco’s.

    It boils down to making a decision of who is in charge. By not stepping up and fixing the problem he has made his choice.

    Someone has to be in charge and it is his team.


  2. I think Jay C. dad needs to turn him over his knee and spank him just like he would do a 6 year old. The fact is the Bronco’s are an average team at best and if they can get a top 5 first round pick along with the 12th pick they should take it. When Jay C. becomes a free agent he won’t hesitate to take a higher offer someplace else so why should the Bronco’s hesitate when an oppertunity arises now. A team that needs to be rebuilt from ground up will have these problems so this won’t be the last.

  3. I think Bowen already made his decision about who’s in charge…..Josh McDaniels. No player, no matter how great he might be, should ever be in charge….and Cutler is a long way from being great!

    Like it or not the players need to step up and act like men instead of children if they want to continue playing as Broncos. Trading, although rarely popular, is and always has been part of the game. Deal with it as an adult, or try making that kind of money doing something different.

    Prima Donnas have NO place in sports!

  4. I have been trying to point out that this whole thing is a textbook example of a lack of leadership. The mess was made by McDaniels trying to trade his quarterback. Now,it is being demanded that Cutler clean up the mess. Meanwhile the entire Bronco organization has apparently decided to scapegoat Cutler and leave him hanging out to dry.

    This whole thing could have been solved in a weekend by a good leader. But McDaniels seems to have a bad case of short man’s syndrome.

  5. Sas said: Prima Donnas have NO place in sports!

    Reality check for you Sas

    The Prima Donna are everywhere in sports and are usually the ones with the ungodly amount of talent on the particular team. That may not be Cutler in your eyes but there are MORE than a few teams that would be more willing to sign Cutler if the Broncos trade him. One of them being Detroit. If you need an example Terrell Owens just became a Buffalo Bill and is the Biggest Primma Donna out there.

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