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Sandusky the Sicko


You know the old adage…What goes around comes around. I think Jerry Sandusky is about to find that out.

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5 thoughts on “Sandusky the Sicko”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    the endless appeals start today but the fact that Jerry is in jail and away from children is a good thing to say the least. I guess what bothers me is that he never once showed any remorse and denied to this day that he did anything wrong. The talking heads on TV say that is typical for child molesters.

    There is some sentiment for scouring the entire Penn state football program. some want the ncaa to look into this also. The question of why McQuerey did not interrupt and stop what he saw in the shower has to be answered by him. Joe Pa had absolute power at Penn State and as the saying goes it corrupted and took down the program and school.

    the suits are about to begin and Penn State has already said they will try to settle with the victims. they have deeper pockets than the sundusky’s so they will become the target.

    I guess Sandusky will end up out there in Denver with a former Illinois governor. and he will spend most of the rest of his life alone in a cell.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. A cartoon celebrating the rape of a human being is disgusting. There are no winners in this tragedy. The idea of subjecting him to torture and violence to bring justice to the victims only make self righteous bystanders like you feel better. How about celebrating the courage Victims 1-9 showed by standing up in open court and describing in detail what happened to them while the entire country was watching?

    I would vote ZERO stars for this cartoon if it were possible.

  3. I for one am glad that they finally did what was needed. If they had taken action when they should have then there would not have been as many victims. I heard that the prisoners S

    “serenaded” with the Pink Floyd classic, “Hey Teacher, Leave them kids alone!” Fitting. Keep up the great work!!!

  4. @atomicleo— those guys aren’t going to rape s-dusky. They are going go kill him. Kill him in the most painful way possible. They want him to feel the fear that the kids felt. They want him to beg for his life and scream for mercy. They want him do die slowly and painfully. That is what they will do.

    Every night, his new neighbors are spending the entire night explaining to him that this is what they will do. Catcalls ring thru the night, detailing the different things that they will do. He probably hasn’t slept a wink since arriving.

    Whenever another inmate is taken past his cell, the other guy reminds him of his low status. When s-dusky is taken past cells, the catcalls and threats continue.

    He is not living in fear of rape, he is living in fear of torture, mutilation and death. Just as he should.

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