Uncategorized Steinbrenners Worst Nightmare

Steinbrenners Worst Nightmare


Here’s my second Steinbrenner cartoon, this one for United Features and the blog here at DrewLitton.com. This is the first time I’ve ever drawn a subject who has recently passed on end up in a warmer climate, if you get the drift. But the gag about Red Sox fans being there to torture him for eternity was too funny to pass up.

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17 thoughts on “Steinbrenners Worst Nightmare”

  1. good morning from Omaha,

    I think its a funny cartoon, drew. you are really not wishing he would find a place a little warmer than Tampa to spend eternity. its more of a wouldn’t it be funny if…. I like it and it made me chuckle. Now how about one with the Babe greeting him in heaven or the”house that ruth built.”

    Just another Idea to think about.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. Steinbrenner wouldn’t like heaven – they have revenue sharing up there.

  3. I really debated about doing this one, but I found the Red Sox thing just too good to pass up. I knew it might upset a few folks (sorry stanbob) but, after all, Steinbrenner once fired an employee for bringing him the wrong sandwich for lunch. I mean, c’mon, that’s cold.

  4. LOL!!!!! He’s not saying that’s where he is… Just took on the opportunity… What’s so funny is: there are just a handful of people who would fit a cartoon like that, and he is one of them…

  5. Drew,

    I don’t know if this is a practical idea, but I’m throwing it out for your consumption anyway. Contact one of the Boston Papers and see if they’ll buy it (or however you do business)for publication. Could be worth some extra bucks to you.

    All the best


  6. Funnnyyyy!!!! Where would we be if we couldn’t poke a little fun? Personally, I appreciate what George did for the Yankees and baseball, but, no doubt, he wasn’t a saint to accomplish what he did.

  7. usually love your cartoons drew, but “tasteless” is a pretty good description, could have done much better

  8. Sam,

    Every once in awhile I pitch one inside just keep to keep it interesting. The punchline for this cartoon would never have worked as well at the Pearly Gates and anyone who fires an employee for bringing them the wrong sandwich doesn’t get the St. Peter treatment.

  9. i get it, i’ve got a sense of humor and definitely understand George was no saint. i think that “the boss” persona was a tough one, but it was the one he wanted portrayed. though since his death there has been a lot said about his philanthropic actions that went under the radar. all in all it seems like he was a pretty caring guy.

    i guess its just the timing that i would question, it was a pretty tough loss, so it hit home a little more than others would i guess.

  10. Drew that is funny and no way is it tasteless, tasteless would have not doing a cartoon!!!!

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