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The Mad Maverick of Dallas



Cuban goes Crazy

Look. I like Mark Cuban. I like his spirit and his energy. But his behavior sometimes can be a little, well, out of control. Clearly Saturday afternoon was one of those times. He reacted poorly to the buzzer beater that Carmelo Anthony hit to put the Nuggets up 3-0 in the series. Cuban didn’t get the call he wanted on the court. Life is like that sometimes. We don’t always get the calls that go our way. We get passed up for a job or a promotion, we get bad news at the Doctor or we don’t get the house we made an offer on or we lose someone very dear to us. It’s often how we react to those bad calls in our own lives that build character and integrity. Carmelo stepped up with the game on the line. He could have grumbled about the umpteen billion fouls that were called on Saturday and more than a few that weren’t. But he didn’t. It’s how he adjusted to the adversity that put him into position to make a shot that will define his career. Funny how life works that way.

I have another Cuban cartoon that you can see here at 9News.com

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5 thoughts on “The Mad Maverick of Dallas”

  1. good morning from Omaha,

    great cartoon. my sister was fit to be tied, and still is. I guess melo didn’t get fouled hard enough to get a whistle and have to shoot free throws, although he would get three. I guess they figure he would miss one or two and the worst that could happen was a tie game and overtime.

    they should sweep away the Mavs’ tonight. But my sister still loves Dirk.

    Is it true his girlfriend uses something like 8 aliases ?????

    gotta go, strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. Actually if the foul would have been called properly, Anthony would have been shooting 2 foul shots because he wasn’t in the act of shooting.

    It was a gutsy shot… awesome

    But I understand the Mavs frustration… As a ref, you can not miss that call, absolutely not miss that call. I love Mark Cuban’s passion. Much better than the faceless Corporations that own several other Pro Teams.

  3. Rockies phantom non-call at the plate a couple of years ago, the Cutler non-fumble against San Diego for the Bronco’s last year and now this. Someday the karma will go the other way so remember these and keep your toungue in check.

  4. Wise words? this coming from the guy who’s out to crucify Josh McDaniels before the Broncos even play a down?

    Please. When fair weather fans want to cheer (Nuggets now, Rockies in 07), Drew gets in their corner. When they’re angry and suppose themselves to know more than the professionals (Broncos right now), he fans the flames.

    I don’t want to hear Drew criticizing Cuban for overreacting until he realizes and admits to have overreacted to the whole Broncos scenario. No one knows what will happen. If all you “experts” know that the draft is so bad, why aren’t NFL teams beating down your doors to turn it into something better? My guess is none of you have evaluated pro talent before, and most of the info you get about players comes from what Todd McShay or Mel Kiper put on their draft boards.

    Shut it.

  5. Am I the only one who thought that the NBA called it well enough? The guy fouling didn’t make it obvious that it was a foul, which is rule number one. If you are fouling, wrap him up or do something. Make it obvious!

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