Uncategorized The NFL vs. Rush Limbaugh

The NFL vs. Rush Limbaugh



No More Bozos

I mean doesn’t the NFL have enough of them already. I rarely delve into politics here, after all I am supposed to be a sports cartoonist. But this issue was one I kind of had to take a swing at. Some of you will find this pretty funny while others will claim complete heresy on my part and proceed to flick their scrambled eggs at their computer screen. I beg you not to. For one reason it’s downright disgusting and really hard to get off the screen but mostly because I’ll be back Thursday with a relatively normal sports cartoon. Until then my motto for the day is RUSH is a Band! (from Canada)

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22 thoughts on “The NFL vs. Rush Limbaugh”

  1. It is understandable that people do not like Rush for some of the things that he has said. This is America with free will and capitalism! If anyone of us decides that we want to own part of any pro team then do so. I dont see anyone stopping Jay-Z owning part of the Nets because he sold blow and crack to boost his career to get where he is now. Players and coaches will have no problem earning a pay check from Rush because, no matter what his views are and what the skin color is the Color of Money always wins.

  2. Awesome cartoon, Drew! You rock!

    Listen, this isn’t a “freedom” issue so no one has to get all twisted up about “poor” millionaire Rush not being wanted. He brought this on himself by being a complete jerk for most of his career.

    Marty, the NFL is an exclusive club – not just anyone can be a part of it. Just because you have the money does not grant you the right to do whatever you want (see Bernie Madoff).

    And it’s really funny that you mention Jay-Z as an example of someone with “bad character” owning a sports franchise. Didn’t El Rusbo admit to being a drug addict? 🙂

    Limbaugh is a cancer. The ONLY thing he would bring to the NFL is that same cancer and some might argue that he is already doing that…and he isn’t even part of it yet.

    Hats off to you, Drew – this cartoon is fantastic.

  3. I for one am sick of politics, I watch sports to get away from it. Now I know what your political views are…. great.

  4. SJR goes way overboard in his political view of the whole situation of Rush wanting to own a NFL team. I like Rush(and dont always agree with all of his comments) , I listen to Jay-Z(like his music) but I am comparing apples to apples. I am not backing either side in this situation. I dont care. Both have done things in there past and both have been exposed to the public for their actions. We ALL have character issues no one is perfect.All I had to say is that players will play for owners that are willing to give them a job. Money talks and you know the rest….

    Be a individual SJR insted of categorizing yourself to the club.

  5. This is America…..

    If he has the money then he has the right to purchase an NFL team if he so chooses.

    On the flip side, a business owner has the right to refuse a job oppurtunity if he/she wants to. And because of the things Rush has said (or not said depending on who you talk to) he might be refused for this chance to own the Rams.

    With that being said, if Michael Vick is allowed to play QB in the league again (with ALL of the issues surrounding that) then Rush by all means (whether you believe in his views or not) should have the right to own an NFL team.

    Besides, if Al Davis can still have ownership will that craphole he has created for the Raiders…..then whats the worst Rush can do.

    Also, like Stephen A. Smith said ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USKg_MP3hNs ) the players will go where the contract is.

  6. So, if David Duke had the money, he should be allowed to buy an NFL franchise?

    How about Charles Manson?

    Money talks, right?


  7. We are not tuning in to see if Rush can catch a ball 50 yards down the field. Rush is not the anti-christ or satan dressed in a suite. He has money to buy a team if he chooses to do so then more power to him. I like to spend my money else where (I wish I had that amount to spend) doing other things. 🙂 I recall Drew agreeing with me months ago when “The Greedy Owner” cartoon was created, about owners that have money to have more publicity because of Michael Vick. Free country to buy whatever you want unless the NFL denies your request. Right?

  8. Clearly this cartoon has stirred up the hornets nest a bit. Thought it might. As long as we keep the conversation civil, it’s good to talk about stuff like this.


  9. Matty – if I were not an atheist I would have to say that Rush actually is the anti-christ. 😉

    If I am too “overboard” for you then that sounds like your problem. Free speech, remember? Rush has free speech and he exercises it (with much vitriol) every single day. Kudos to him…

    BUT as we all know, that freedom has its own consequences.

    El Rushbo has been dropped from the bid for the Rams:


    Drew’s cartoon couldn’t have been more timely or more on the money!

    “Roger Goodell addressed Limbaugh’s potential involvement in the league and said “divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about.”

  10. Drew,

    I was a huge fan of yours until today.

    I even bought a signed copy of your Elway book.

    Now this has changed things.

    I’ve seen your liberal leaning drawings before but this finalizes my view of you.

    You belittle Rush because it is politically correct to do so because he is a white male.

    The NFL has much larger issues with which to deal such as criminals being arrested and charged for violent crimes, e.g.; Ray Lewis etc.

    However, Nothing Rush said was actually racist.

    I dare you to belittle any of the non white players in such a manner without fear of reprisal and being called a racist yourself.

    Which, ironically, is what you are.

    If black police officers can racially profile black citizens, then white cartoonists can draw racists cartoons about white citizens.

    I’m not even white, I’m hispanic, but even I can see through the double standard.

    Unless you admit it, YOU are the clown, here.

    A former fan…


    P.S. I doubt the liberal rag knows as the Denver Post will even post this opposing view…

  11. Richard,

    You can call me a lot of things but racist isn’t one of them. It’s odd how you played the race card, which the cartoon clearly isn’t about. To me though that’s exactly the kind of example that the polarization of Rush Limbaugh has brought upon us.

    The cartoon is a lighthearted approach to a sports issue. It’s too bad you feel the way you do. My hope is that you will continue to read my cartoons. But if you choose not to, thanks for reading all these years. I’m always thankful for the time you have spent viewing a cartoon of mine.

    By the way. Liberal isn’t a label that fits me either. I’m a registered independent.


  12. Drew,

    Usually I start with good morning from Omaha and I mean that. I have spent the day digesting my thoughts about your latest cartoon and really I have 2 thoughts:

    1 I appreciate your efforts to put a spin on a very polarizing character on the American political scene. Its not easy trying to put a happy face on a pig. I have listened to rush for years and have grown weary of his schtick, but like your cartoon, still not tired of those, listen for bit to see what road his is wandering down today.

    2. In america free speech includes, verbal, cartoons, newspapers and in some places nude dancing. No I don’t want to see any nude dancing in your strip(wipe your brow for that), as long as the first amendment exists, whether I like what “you” say or not, I will defend your right to say it. As long as “you” remember that while you do have freedom of speech, your right doesn’t mean I have to listen to what you say.

    3. Yes the NFL is an exclusive club. Mostly rich old white men (Al Davis) and players don’t seem to have any problem negotiating large contracts with them. If I read correctly Robert Irsay, the owner of the colts was really against Rush joining his club. This is the same Irsay that gave the predominately minority inhabited city of Baltimore the finger when they wouldn’t give him a new stadium.

    As in Miami, a team with a lot of group ownership, most of the time the players would never see the owner at the stadium, much less the group of owners. They get to decide who gets into their little club, and there are a lot of owners who’s political views rival rush.

    I always have enjoyed your cartoons and always will. This issue is just like a fuse on a powder keg. So much for a post racial world.

    Oh sorry about the rockies. Its been a great season for them. and those mustard and mud uniforms on the bronco’s UGLY. The Bronco’s are hot right now.

    Have a great day.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best



  13. Gene,

    You are one amazing guy. Very well put, very to the point and spot on. Thank you for being a much valued part of our blog community (as is everyone here). I hope someday to shake your hand over coffee. (or soda, wasn’t it)

    I knew something was up when I didn’t see your usual Good Morning greeting.

    Mr. Limbaugh is now out of the picture in the bid for the Rams so I think that’s my cue to get back to your regularly scheduled cartoon.

  14. Drew,

    we are going to be in Denver this weekend. Our son and his wife live in lakewood and he teaches at a HS across the street from his apartment.

    His team, JV are going to be playing Columbine saturday morning, and other than that I have no idea what we are going to be doing.

    His wife is working on her Doctorate in Physical Therapy so we may get to meet her cadaver.Its supposed to be nice in denver this weekend, which is a change from Omaha, where it has been cloudy and rainy and cold all week, so no riding the bike outside. Its just a quick out and back kind of trip.

    what would you recommend to do in Denver?


  15. Hey Dick, I mean, Richard, if you can read, check these Limbaugh quotes out. Yeah, nothing racist here:

    1. “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

    2. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

    3. To an African American female caller: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”

    4. “Obama’s America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. I mean, you put your kids on a school bus, you expect — you expect safety. But in Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, ‘Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on.'”

    He’s also called the president “halfrican American” and proudly played the “Barack the Magic Negro” song on his radio show.

    As for Ray Lewis, do you realize that happened almost TEN YEARS AGO? Or that Lewis was acquitted? If that’s the only example of the serious issues with which the NFL must handle, then I’d say the NFL is in pretty good hands.

    I’d say you’ve actually made yourself an example of the divisiveness of Limbaugh and proven how correct people are to be opposed to him working his way into mainstream America. You come on here with your ignorance and neo-con boorish garbage and call Drew a racist. You, sir, are an extremist ideologue and a rube.

    And I love how Matty G. has to use a black person as his example of a double standard. Does that, perhaps, show your heart a bit? I mean, you could have more easily held up Jim Irsay as someone who has been involved with drugs, yet is an owner in high esteem. But no, you had to find a black man. Why, because blacks have it so easy in this country? Or because you feel your lifetime comfort of white privilege is being threatened? In any case, Jay Z USED to do bad things, but he changed his ways. And, he’s in the NBA, which has a different standard than the NFL, anyway. Rush, however, is STILL a disgusting, hateful, and divisive person, and no one sees that changing anytime soon.

    Great cartoon, Drew. I think you captured the overwhelming NFL and public sentiment, and the resulting “discussion,” while perhaps uncomfortable, is not all bad. Keep it up!

  16. Gene, you’re misinformed, but I won’t blast you for it. Robert Irsay died years ago. His son, Jim, is now the proud owner of my Indy Colts.

    As for Robert giving Baltimore the finger: Memorial Stadium in Bmore was a wreck and everyone knew it. Robert did just as many, if not all, owners have done since: He threatened to move the team if the city didn’t cough up money for improvements to the stadium. Instead of acquiescing, the city began procedures to wrest the team from Irsay via eminent domain. I don’t know about you, but if the government was going to steal something from me because I wanted to take it somewhere else, I’d be riding the Mayflower out under cover of darkness, too.

  17. Gene – have fun in Denver, and GO BEAR CREEK!! Love my old Alma Mater!

    If you like Italian food, I recommend stopping by Garramone’s Pizza in Lakewood. GREAT food, family restaurant has been around for AGES. My Dad used to take us there when we were kiddoes (I’m in my late 30’s now), and he still goes there often.

    Garramone’s Pizza & Italian Restaurant

    9168 W Jewell Av, Lakewood, CO 80232

    303) 985-8711

    Drew – great cartoon, I had to laugh when I saw it. I think the whole thing got blown a little out of proportion. Rush has the right to make an offer to buy whatever he wants (and can afford). Conversely, the seller also has the right to not accept his offer, and that’s where it should have stayed.

    BTW: Those vertically striped socks were AWESOME! I need some!


  18. Oh, and Richard – the Denver Post was actually the conservative leaning rag in Denver. The Rocky Mountain News was the liberal rag.

    Just sayin’… 🙂

  19. Dear Sam,

    I realized a few hours later that I was wrong about the Irsays. B-more was a wreck and I think it was pete rozell that was almost powerless to stop Irsay from moving his team. the fact remains that he stuck b-more before b-more stuck it him.

    Its nothing that other owners haven’t done since. Take al davis and his raiders. Moving from oakland a large base population of minorities to LA to oakland again. Irsay started this way back when and set the precedent. (side note Al davis is CRAZY)

    Its basic contract law. the city has a deal with a sports team and the money involved is so large and the owners so well financed in and of themselves that any penalty cause or punitive damages to be assessed are not much more than a penny to a pauper.

    The cities that are involved in major sports tie their reputations to the franchise. To this day when I think Colts, i think b-more. It may be alzheimers on my part. They are now the ravens and Art modell did the same thing to Cleveland, the rams to LA. and the Cardinals to Saint Loius.

    the nfl mandated that someone put a team in Cleveland, the NFL approved the move of the football cardinals to Phoenix from St louis. As in all things Money talks and whats left walks.

    It just the unfortunate way of the world. you can call it the golden rule, “them with the gold, sets the rules”.


  20. The NFL can be “politically correct” and deny Limbough ownership but has the balls to parade a team round called the Redskins?

  21. Politically incorrect owners are fine, but only if they are liberal. JLo’s lyrics are far, far worse than any Limbaugh has ever said as are Fergies (both are minority owners in the Dolphins). Virtually all of the quotes attributed to Limbaugh were not only inaccurate, but complete fabrications.

    The problem here is the sports media. They give pass after pass after pass to guys like Michael Vick. Vick should have been banned from the NFL permanently b/c of what he did, regardless of his skin color. Conviction of a felony should ALWAY get a player banned from the NFL. But the same media will push to keep someone like Limbaugh from being an owner only b/c of his political leanings. That’s plain & simple crap. There are far more flawed owners out there than Limbaugh… doesn’t anyone remember Al Davis or Jerry Jones?

    Look at the crap Marv Albert did. No one says a peep about it now.

    Limbaugh has done 100x more to promote the NFL than most of the announcers & owners. The media quotes a couple of owners, players or past players who don’t like him & leave it at that. They let a political hack from the Obama administration do most of the speaking & don’t dispute any of it. Not a single quote from an owner or player(s) past or present who actually knows Limbaugh. Not a single quote from other owners who’ve invited Limbaugh to sit w/ them in their boxes. I’d say that is a failure on the part of the media to do their jobs.

    Sports media has gotten lazy & biased, just like the rest of the media. C’mon people do your jobs. Quit reprinting the same AP story over & over & over. Get off your lazy butts & do a real story that requires you to leave the comfort of your office/computer chair & interview someone who actually knows something & then write your own story.

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