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The Rocky and I : Five years later



Five years. Has it really been that long since we said goodbye to the Rocky Mountain News? Its impact on Colorado can never be measured but I will always consider it as much apart of the landscape of Denver as the glorious mountains to the west! It doesn’t seem very long ago a staff of incredibly talented journalists stood in the newsroom we called home to hear the stunning truth: We would be publishing our last issue. It was hard to believe then and remains so now. It was, indeed, a life changing event so for those of us who had the honor of working there.

I haven’t posted for a few days while I took a break and returned to Denver to commemorate that day in February 2009. I took time To Celebrate. To Reflect. To Laugh. To Reminisce. To Reassess. And to Dream of what lies ahead. It felt so great to be back in Denver! It was a wonderful trip. And it got me thinking a lot about these past five years and to try and envision the next five.

I came to some conclusions.

First, I’m considering broadening the scope of my website to include other kinds of cartoons and content that I do and want to do that have absolutely nothing to do with sports. And I want your feedback. Would it be a distraction to you if I were to have other things here besides just the usual sports cartoons? I would still continue to do those, of course, but I think the time has come for me to experiment in new directions and follow my heart and soul into exciting fresh horizons. And since I have this avenue that bears my name to publish all kinds of stuff that already exists it just makes sense to me to use it in various ways. The site wouldn’t change. It would just feature various kinds of content a bit more. I’d like to take you more into my day to day world, give you more behind the scenes access into my creative process and, hopefully, entertain you in new and hilarious ways. So I’m asking you all, will you come along for the ride? Here’s hoping you are as game as I am.

I’m also strongly considering a move back to Denver, to the place I loved for  30 years and can’t seem get out of my heart or mind. I miss the city, the community of friends, and the best sports fans in the world. Oh. And places like La Fiesta, The Bluebonnet, Jack n Grill and the cities assorted great comics and coffee shops. Thomas Wolfe once said “You Can’t Go Home Again”. I’d like to prove him wrong. I want to come home again.

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21 thoughts on “The Rocky and I : Five years later”

  1. Drew,

    I have been a fan of editorial cartoons and comic strips all my life, it is amazing how much a cartoonist can say with one drawing or a short strip. The comics were my favorite section of the newspaper because of the way it was able to summarize what was happening in society. You give new meaning to the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

    The path you have taken in using sports as your theme, or messenger, is unique because of the way sports bring people together. I have always liked your light-hearted approach and the occasionally serious comment that would normally be found in the editorial section.

    Speaking of editorials, your buddy Ed Stein has an equally sharp pencil with his drawings. His daily strip “Freshly Squeezed” is delightfully funny in regards to how many families are in the same situation and his Cosmic Limit is very interesting.

    I look forward to seeing how you expand your drawing board.


  2. Drew:

    Forgive the sports-oriented cheer, but: GO FOR IT!

    (Both the expansion AND the move. Welcome home on the latter if you decide so.)


  3. Mr. Litton, I believe I can speak for a many number of people who are fans of your craft. We love the sports renditions, and would probably read obituaries it’d you “drew” them that way. Hope your love for this Great State, and city finds you your way home.sincerely A.Greenier

  4. Drew,

    I think that expansion of your website is a great idea! As far as the move, we would miss you here in DFW, but it in life I believe you should follow your heart. Before you go, we should meet up for drinks again.

  5. Follow your heart Drew – draw what feels good, say what you want to say and come back home to Denver! Finn will LOVE the mile high city and will make lots of friends!

  6. Drew, I would Love to see any content you come up with ! A big plus would be seeing more of your Day to Day world !

  7. Good Morning from Omaha,

    I have missed seeing your cartoons for the last several days. If you were to add to the content of your website by adding a variety of content, go for it. As far as the Rocky goes, your cartoons were one of the big reasons I would buy the paper when we visited Colorado, that , and the content. The rocky, in my mind, was special.

    You, Drew, have touched so many people with your cartoons and even when you have met them in person. You have found love, Finnster, in Dallas and have made some new friends. as I often say “There are no anchors on my ankles, if I want to leave Nebraska, I can but I choose to stay” Do what is best for you and your new love, Finnster.

    I said when you moved to Dallas with the internet you can work from almost anywhere in the world.

    I choose to check your web site everyday and don’t care if you work from a concrete bunker somewhere under the sea. I consider you a friend even though we have never met.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  8. I agree with the posts here, there can never be too much Drew. I love your insights. And please come back to Colorado. Sometimes a short time away makes you appreciate home more. Margo

  9. @ Wm:

    Come home! Colorado has been missing a ray of sunshine since you’ve been gone. Sign me up for that exciting ride into new blog territory!

  10. Drew,

    I have waited a long time for this day to come. You are so much more than sports. Knowing you as I do, you need an outlet to share all of your art and projects. By doing so, you open your career up to a whole new world of exciting opportunities. Follow your heart, Drew. I know that Denver, and all of Colorado, misses you. Finn is going to love it there! Wherever you set your easel and Cintiq, I’ll always support you. You already know that, though.

    Your Girl Friday

  11. Drew, I will enjoy any type of cartoon you put on your website. Expanding your horizons is always a good thing.

  12. Drew – I agree with everyone. Draw what your heart wants. I love your perspective on sports and can not wait to see your perspective on other aspects of life.

  13. Drew, I have followed you since you were with the Rocky Mtn. News, and I dearly miss that paper. It was indeed a wonderful sports section that covered the pros and preps with equal vigor. And, I have news for you, you are Colorado. You have established a legacy that is unmatched and we would be honored to have you back in this glorious state. As far as non-sports cartoons – Go for it! Looking forward to your next endeavor.

  14. Drew, I couldn’t agree more with what everyone is saying….I’d love to see a variety of cartoons (and you know what a sports “Buff” I am) You are do talented. And it can only help you grow personally and professionally. And I do hope the move back home makes sense and works out for you. I will be part of the committee welcoming you home. I’ve never lived anywhere excpet Colorado and I don’t plan on leaving any time soon….it’s pretty special.

  15. Drew, I would follow the site even if you only did cartoons about the Chiefs!

    Come home to Parker!

  16. I would love to see more of your work!

    You’ll always be welcome in Denver…come on home.

  17. Anything goes.

    Hurry up and post a new cartoon…I’ve got a fusillade of comments building up.


    Ready, Fire, Aim

  18. Drew–

    I’ve missed seeing your take on the world for the past few days, but the reason for your hiatus is a very good one. I am intrigued by what else you might come up with as far as the website goes. And if I could move back to Colorado myself, I would in a New York minute! Bon chance and good luck with whatever you decide upon.

  19. Drew:

    Loved your work at the Rocky . . . and still do. Your cartoons and Krieger’s columns were the main reason we had the paper delivered in Greeley. I see no downside to posting outside the world of sports. There is comment through drawing to made on many fronts. Keep up the good work where ever you land . . . . but there is something about Colorado, eh.

  20. Drew,

    Go for it!!! You have an amazing skill, an insightful voice, and a rare ability to link the two together. After seeing some of your non-sports stuff, I think you have been shoehorning yourself into “just” a sports cartoonist. Blow the doors off this site and see what happens. As long as the quality stays great, you will succeed.


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