Uncategorized Yankee Stadium: The True Story

Yankee Stadium: The True Story



The House that Bozo Built

Maybe it’s the Red Sox stuff still secretly buried beneath home plate. Maybe its a different kind of curse of the Bambino. Regardless, Yankees Stadium has now replaced Coors Field as the the Home Run capital of Baseball. Can some some body say “humidor”.

Caption Contest Going Strong

Thanks to everyone for the great response to this weeks caption contest. So awesome to see the participation growing. Keep those concepts coming and be sure to invite the person in the next cubicle to see if you can beat them at it. Nothing like a little inner-office rivalry. I think that’s the way the Yankees vs Red Sox war got started.

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5 thoughts on “Yankee Stadium: The True Story”

  1. Drew,

    As a riff on your last ‘toon, is the fan offering his beer or asking for spare change?

    Also, in thinking about your last about salaries, you might want to consider submitting as an editorial ‘toon to some of the national publications. (I know, easier said than done). That ‘toon beautifully captures the current zeitgeist of American economic values.


  2. Good Morning from Omaha,

    I remember before they officially opened the new Yankee stadium the today show did a tour of the place and found that the front row seats were about 3 inches from the retaining wall between the seats and the field.The Yankees are learning about Karma being a Beyoch!!!

    Math has never been an American educational strong suit. The teachers teach very well, but calculators have short circuited the reasoning of thought it takes to make math work in our minds.

    better get to moving , those employment lines aren’t getting any shorter.

    strive for excellence, nothing but your best


  3. As a general contractor… math had nothing to do with that mistake. It’s called “union” contractors. There’s probably a lot more to it than the article mentioned, I can guarentee it.

    As for the balls flying out of right field and supposide wind tunnel? Who could have see that coming and how will they fix it? Wind screen?

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