Uncategorized National Fine$ League

National Fine$ League


Fine$. We now know the NFL has a stimulus package. It’s called fine your players and coaches for everything from sneezing too hard to doing the Dougie (Google it). Oh and those helmet to helmet hits they claim they don’t like except when they want to show highlights. I wonder if it can work around the house for us. you know, $5 bucks for too many socks on the floor, $10 for failure to take out the trash. Might get expensive. Or it could be a really good way to save for that Carribean Cruise you’ve been dreaming for your entire life. Just make sure you save enough for the spam and the pop tarts.

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2 thoughts on “National Fine$ League”

  1. Dear Mr. Litton,

    (Chico Marx Impersonaton) Get-a your tootsie-fruitsie ica-a cream! (Been itching to say that ever since I read that you saw “A day at the races yesterday).

    Now to the topic at hand. There is one thing about these fines I don’t understand. Now maybe I’m overthinking this but I don’t see how these fines can do much when players are making multi-million dollars a year salaries.

    Now maybe you know the answer to this question. Where does the money from these fines go? By that I mean are the fines used to pay the expenses for the office of the NFL? Does it go to some sort of charity? I’m asking because I’m curious.

    Have a great day

    All the best


  2. Good Morning from Omaha,

    I once heard, to try and answer Louis’ question, that the fine money goes to NFL charities. That may not include fuel for Goodels plane but its for a good cause.

    There is a bit of hypocrisy that you pointed out with the highlight shows and the hits.I saw the on the NFL network the 10 most feared tacklers- and Ronnie Lott was one of the top five. The commentators were saying that when he hit someone the crowd would stand and ehhh and ahhh and he hit high just like they are trying to ban now.

    This was before the damage that might be done was made into a news story. And the tragic afterlife of retired football players has been laid bare. The NFL’s retirement system for older retired players is a disgrace and the cba expires after this season. Its time for the current players to step up and move the retired players benefits to the forefront because everyone will be put out to pasture eventually. Even todays stars like Peyton, Kyle, Tom and Wesley will need assistance at some point, unless they have been smart with their money.

    as for me “I wouldn’t belong to any club that would have someone like me as a member! (groucho)

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


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