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NFL Cliff Divers: Replacement Refs


The Packers were robbed Monday Night on National TV in one of the most bungled calls in NFL history. In what will go down as the NFL’s most embarrassing and horrendous plays, the blown call could very well cost the Packers playoff spot at season’s end. Not only did the replacement refs miss the initial call but then refused to over rule the call on replay.

How long before the NFL puts the brakes on the replacement refs remains to be seen. But they shouldn’t wait too much longer. Their product is being diluted week by week, game by game. Credibility is a funny thing. Once you lose it, it’s not that easy to get it back. Roger Goodell should end this referee lockout immediately and resign right after that. His leadership, or lack thereof, has tainted and ruined the reputation of one of sports greatest treasures. I want to know what you think! Here are a few more replacement referee cartoons.

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7 thoughts on “NFL Cliff Divers: Replacement Refs”

  1. Between the NHL Lockout and the Scab Ref fiasco, I’ve never seen so many pro-Union arguments in one place.

  2. Tebow.





    He may not be the best, but he is entertaining product. In light of your comments on the referee misery, if the NFL is going to turn itself into a sideshow selling crap over quality, I want the very best in entertainment to tide me over in these dark days. There is only one raucous, divisive, short-term pleasure enhancing long-term future eschewing thrill-a-minute ride better than the Keystone Kops referees. That roller-coaster is the fun, mystery, and wonderment of Tebow. The Jests, oops, Jets, are about to catch that fever and I can’t wait to see the wildfire. spread.

    The last 2 weeks have shown that if the NFL had a 5th Quarter (other than OT), the Donks would have won. 2012’s first quarter is so reminiscent of the Donkos’ usual mess in the 3rd quarter of the 1990s and early 2000s.

    In 3 weeks, we’ve learned that “Rent-a-Hall-of-Famer QB” is not the silver bullet we all hoped it would be for the team’s ills. The good news… 13 more games to go! Hold on tight.


  3. Good Morning from Omaha,

    the real refs made mistakes and we used to raise hoeey over it. what is different is the replacement refs have not earned the respect of the NFL players and coaches. IF every time you turned around you heard someone criticize your every breath eventually the players and coaches will join in. Goodel either has to assert his authority and tell the players etc to lay off these guys or step up, settle this mess with the refs and end this madness.

    His ego is seemingly getting in the way of getting this situation under control. The player could decide not to play with these guys officiating in solidarity with the regular crews.The players will continue to cross the line because they can not afford to miss a check or two and force an end to this situation.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  4. Okay, at this point we’d do better with junior high school referees or The Magic Eight Ball (or someone with a OUIJA Board) calling NFL games. Slapstick is only funny for awhile, and only until someone gets hurt. Green Bay got jobbed; I am surprised only three coaches tried to harass the refs this weekend.

    Can we get the owners to pry open their wallets with crowbars and PAY for younger, fitter, smarter and formally-trained and constantly educated, FULL-TIME game officials and let the minimum wage Foot Locker employees return to the mall?

  5. Yet, Seattle is going to keep the win, for all the bad calls that have gone against them (i.e. Super Bowl XL). It was karma in Seattle’s favor for once.

  6. The whole “replacement ref” situation has been tough. I haven’t said too much about it, because “there but for the grace of God, go I.” In other words, “who am I to complain?” Am I happy, or satisfied with some of the plays that the replacement refs have called? No. That doesn’t make me an authority on the subject of officiating, or football, for that matter.

    A lot of football fans, players, and coaches, have, unfairly, placed a higher-intensity microscope (or magnifying glass) over the replacement refs. Higher than the one placed over the “real refs.” I’m sure I’ve said one or two things “in the heat of the battle,” as a fan. I’m not proud of myself, either.

    As far as the players and coaches go – whatever happened to professionalism and respect? Some hefty fines have been assessed because of coaches’ lack of professionalism. The replacement refs exhibited more professional behavior towards the coaches and players, than anyone has given them all season.

    Now that an agreement between the NFL and NFLRA has been reached, I hope that things will calm down, and we can get back to the enjoyment of the game, itself. I, for one, have missed the good ol’ days.


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