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Rutgers:Clean Up on Aisle 3


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9 thoughts on “Rutgers:Clean Up on Aisle 3”

  1. The first thoughts that popped into my head when I read the news about Rutgers were, “Mike Rice is no different, or better, than Jerry Sandusky,” and “Oh man, it’s just like Penn State all over again.”

    I know, first hand, that not all college athletic programs have monsters, like Sandusky and Rice, on staff. I recognize that college athletics are second (if not first) in generating revenue for colleges and universities. The NCAA puts so much pressure on the STUDENT athletes – losing sight of the fact that academics should come first, not sport – by putting pressure on the institutions. The institutions put pressure on the coaches, who then put pressure on the students. It is a vicious cycle of greed; which then manifests itself as an abuse of power. Physical, emotional, spiritual, verbal; and in the Sandusky case, sexual, abuse. It all has to stop! NOW!!!!

    Coaches are educators and mentors. They not only are responsible for the athletic and physical development of their athletes. They are responsible for building character and values. These student athletes, these young adults, are still very impressionable. It makes me sick to think what the young men of Rutgers (and those abused by Sandusky) are going through.

    The NCAA, Rutgers, Penn State, and any other institution where there has been an abuse of power, have a responsibility to right these horrible wrongs – through the provision of appropriate counseling and support for the students involved. They also need to get rid of those in administration, coaching, and teaching, who do not have the best interest of the students as their main concern. They simply must. Put students first.

    John Wooden must be rolling in his grave.

  2. I saw some pundit commentator (I loathe cable news) defend Rice by saying “my dad hit me with a belt, and I turned out OK,”

    The effects of this brand of childhood discipline on him aside, these were grown young adults. Rice wasn’t trying to correct behavior or even inflict physical pain. Nor was it even a psychological tool to intimidate his players into unquestioned loyalty.

    It was the actions of someone who has lost control. Rage is the final attempt to control a situation, and like most last resorts, it rarely succeeds in anything but failure for everyone.

    I’m a high school coach myself. Of course I raise my voice in displeasure and anger at times, but the focus must be on correcting poor performance as opposed to personally attacking a player. I make physical contact with players, but only to teach proper technique (tackling, dribbling, marking, keeping separation, etc.). Contact out of anger is superfluous at best and a breach of trust at worst.

  3. Rutgers unfortunately has fallen for the ‘sports is everything’ mantra. I am a Rutgers grad (from quite a while ago) and sports was no big deal when I was there. We were ‘the ivy league school without the ivy league price’ because academics took priority. You still can get a great education at Rutgers if that is your goal but I hate seeing what sports has done to my school.

  4. Well said, Peg. And I agree with Drew, how is this not more important to NCAA? The question of the day is why does the AD leave with a golden parachute? Do we not all suspect that the tolerance goes much higher?

  5. Well said, Peg. I agree with Drew that the NCAA should be more aware of these kinds of things, what this kind of treatment and tolerance of such treatment teaches young athletes. I want to know why the AD is let go with a golden parachute? I think this goes much higher up.

  6. GMFO-

    I wrote an entire epistle about the mess at Rutgers but then realized I could not say it any better than Sherri, drew or peg. The NCAA is all about the money, period.

    Good job guys in summing up your thoughts and mine.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


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