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The Redskins Name and the Wrongness of it all…


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13 thoughts on “The Redskins Name and the Wrongness of it all…”

  1. Wow, I have to say Drew, you hit a powerful one today.

    I honestly never really thought of it like “Redskins” similar to “Brownskins.” I’d have to say that you’ve definitely done your job well, because you made me think.

    Good job!

    (p.s. love washington weinies!)

  2. My husband and I completely concur with your feelings on this and like Meaghen said, you made us think. What a great cartoon.

  3. Ok, so I am on the other side on this. In my opinion, within the context that the name Redskins is being used I don’t have an issue. If the name was being used in a derogatory context, or with malice that would be a diiferent story.

  4. Good morning from Omaha,

    just a point of clarification about your wishy washy ness about the chief name. the chiefs were named for Roe Bartel who at the time they were looking to come to KC was considered the “chief” of city hall- not an indian thing at all-

    You will also notice that the chiefs use an arrowhead on the side the helmet and the middle of the field- not really being disrespectful of any particular race of people.

    The name “red skin has been around a long time but that does not make it right. You can not run your life being offended all the time or you let other people run your life for you.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  5. I think its important to know the true origin of the name “Redskins” I think this is a very important part of the name.

    Smithsonian Institution senior linguist and curator emeritus Ives Goddard asserts that the actual origin of the word is benign and reflects more positive aspects of early relations between Native Americans and whites. It emerged at a specific time in history among a small group of men linked by joint activities that provided the context that brought it forth.That context was the need for a term that all could use in negotiating treaties during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

    Take what you will from that, but there seems to be different points of views on what the Term means.

  6. For those of us that are of “native” decent, I must say “Redskins” is insulting. Would anybody name a sports team “White Boys”. I think not! The name isn’t honoring anybody, and if you think it is, I humbly disagree with you!

  7. What a great way to get people talking! Drew, you do a great job of presenting your point of view and getting people to discuss and see the other side, whatever side they are on. I have thought redskins was an insulting term, no matter it’s origins, and wondered what those of native descent thought about the subject. I think their opinion should be heard and respected on this subject.

    Having said that, I can remember, as a Westminster Warrior junior, being totally unsympathetic to AIM members who came to the school requesting, no more like demanding, that we reconsider our mascot. Not my,or my classmates finest hour, but they were a bit militant. It did, on reflection, help me understand the racistness of the mascot, however.

  8. I am totally offended by the name Redskins, as well as the Saints, Patriots, Bills, and Vikings.

    Saints are a Catholic reference to people who have performed miracles. That name offensive to those who are not Catholic / Christian.

    Then there are the Patriots. The emblem shows a white revolutionary period soldier. Native Americans also be upset by that! I mean white European settlers did come and take away the land from Native Americans.

    The Buffalo Bills are named for Wild Bill Cody who supposedly killed 4,280 bison within an 18 month period. Bison were a main staple of survival for Native Americans in the Western US territories. Plus, the fact that he killed some many innocent Bison should have all kinds of PETA members up in arms.

    The Vikings were ruthless conquerors in the late 8th to the mid 11th centuries who raided European and Asian countries. That is offensive to those of European and Asian decent.


    You can always find something offensive about a team’s name if you want to.

  9. Drew: YES YES YES! Thank you for calling them out on this. I have to sit around and see a racial slur against my people 16 Sundays every fall, and have my (mostly white) friends shrug and say “get over it”.

    To those who think it’s supposed to be complementary: you’ve never had someone you didn’t know call you that word as they threw a beer bottle at your head. It’s not taken as an honor if the recipient isn’t honored by it.

    I don’t have a problem with Chiefs (Full disclosure: I am a fan myself), because Chief is an honorific – and beyond that, Chief is not even mutually exclusive to one ethnic group: There are African, Celtic, Asian, Arab and Nordic chiefs in history. Blackhawks is done in honor of a specific Native leader (and most Chicago fans don’t add a bunch of asinine whoops and trappings to it), Not a fan of the Braves or Indians…but at least Cleveland is phasing out the Chief Wahoo cartoon.

    There’s a drive to rename them the Washington Warriors – I would be in favor of this, especially if they lost the Native imagery (Warrior, like Chief, is a term that applies to all ethnicities)

    And for those who say “If we change Washington, we need to change the Cowboys and Vikings and animal names…”: You should by tickets to the new expansion team – the Los Angeles False Equivalencies.

  10. I usually like your stuff, but this is such contrived bull crap that I’m just shaking my head. You’re honestly equating the name Redskins with the KKK? You’re full of it!

    Honestly, after reading all the information, the comments by Snyder, and everything else, I feel like those that are complaining are those afflicted by white guilt and need to just shut up and go home. Honestly, what a crock.

  11. Drew (not the artist):

    Some of us are complaining about a racist slur and characture of us being used as the face of the multi-million dollar business in the 21st Century. And I will NOT shut up and go home about it – Because if you really want to get technical, this country IS my home.

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