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Yankee$$$$ Win!



Yankees prove Money Talks, and hits the occasional homer.

True story. I’m not much of a Yankees fan. Now, my brother, Gary, is a HUGE Yankees fan. Crazy about them. Not an easy thing to do when you live in Boston, but somehow he has managed. Here’s the deal though. You ever had one of those 4th cousin removed kind of brush with something strange. We had a guy in our newsroom at the Rocky who was related to Tex Watson, one of the members of the Manson family. Not something I’d brag about, but, hey, he was a Braves fan. My family fortunately fared better. We got the distinction of being able to say we were related to Mickey Mantle. Yes. That Mickey Mantle. Not that it meant anything. He was so far down the bloodline from us (of which, I’m sure he was thankful) that our paths never crossed. So, one day I’m having this deep philosophical debate with my brother, Gary, about the whole Mantle thing and why should that mean that Litton’s have to be Yankees fans. “You’ve got to be kidding right?” I said in disbelief. ” Just because he’s in the bloodline (barely) we have to be Yankees fans?” “Yep” he answered. So I played devils advocate. “Gary, name one time we ever got his autograph? Did he ever send us one of his rookie baseball cards? A jersey? A baseball”? No. No. No. and No. “Then I rest my case. No autograph, no Yankees fan.”

And besides. The Yankees have more money than Bill Gates. The don’t earn their world series titles, they buy them. Probably at some baseball memorabilia store. Right next to the Micky Mantle rookie cards.

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6 thoughts on “Yankee$$$$ Win!”

  1. ” They don’t earn their world series titles, they buy them.”

    Thank you Drew for echoing a belief I’ve had for years!

  2. Good Morning from Omaha,

    “they buy them” by getting the best pitchers. And then the best players. While david glass and the monforts dicker with “finding” players to play for a little over league minimum the yankees see the best players and go get them. Plus it doesn’t hurt that when you play for the yankees you are almost considered or expected to play for a ring every year, period. If you look at some of the rosters of winning teams around the league you will see a lot of former royals who followed the money out of kansas city.

    Thats why players play the game, the ring.

    would you rather play for a team like the royals, where you might have a winning season or the Yankee’s where they pay you well and you understand that the possibility of playing for the ultimate ego satisfier is at hand every year.

    Its like you Drew, being in the running for the cartooning version of the pulitzer every year or drawing a cartoon for the East overshoe, Iowa daily bugle. which would you rather do and receive the compensation that comes with the winning of that award.

    I don’t like the Yankee’s either, but in my opinion, them theres the facts.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.

  3. Having a dream team to defeat every year is one of the most diffucult tasks for any professional team. I cant really complain that the yankees won the championship after all you gotta beat the champs to be the champs.

  4. Yes, the Yankees have the money to spend. But they seem to know how to spend it wisely. The organization cares about the game of baseball and it’s traditions, they care about their fans. I am not naive enough to think it’s all altruistic, but you have to appreciate the teams they put on the field. And all their players are not bought, there are many great players who come through their farm system. They can also afford to keep those players. What is Boston’s payroll, is it that far behind? All this aside, I thought it was a very good World Series, and as is often the case with sports, had a few plays gone the other way, we could have had a different outcome. I totally disagree with anyone who says they didn’t earn it, money or no, they still have to play the game.

  5. To say nothing of there being two admitted PHD users on this team, pretty much takes the interest out of baseball in particular and professional sports in general for me.

  6. This is a pretty short-sighted take Drew, don’t you think? The Yankees always outspend every team in MLB, yet this is the first time they’ve won the World Series in 9 years. What’s that tell you?

    The next 5 highest payrolls (Mets, Cubs, Red Sox, Tigers, Angels) didn’t make it to the World Series, so again, how does payroll really factor in here? Florida won the World Series in 2003 with a $60 Million payroll. Colorado got there in 2007 with a $54 Million payroll. In 2008, with a $44 Million payroll, Tampa made it to the World Series.

    Yet every year, the Yankees were still outspending everyone. So how does them winning the crown this season translate into “The Yankees don’t win their World Series, they buy them” ?? I’m not a Yankees fan either, I just don’t agree with your logic. 90% of the players in MLB are hired guns and mercenaries. Rosters turn over every year. Heck, the same thing happens in the NBA, at a much worse clip. Talk about teams “buying” a title!

    Don’t blame the Yankees for spending money. Blame free agency for robbing sports of being able to keep players in one place for more than 2-3 years at a time.

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