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New York in State of Shock!


New York-

Derek Jeter has been placed on the DL bringing all of New York to a screeching halt. Thousands rushed into the street, many pulling their hair out, while others wandered aimlessly  muttering “The sky is falling, the sky is falling”. Cabs were left abandoned on the streets causing massive traffic jams and the subways were closed to avoid the thousands of Yankees fans who were laying down on the tracks begging to be run over. Jeter had no comment and simply shrugged his shoulders when asked why Yankees fans were overreacting to him being placed on the disabled list for the first time since 2003. Police lined areas of the East River to keep distraught fans from leaping like lemmings off of the docks and bridges. Yankees Fans are expected to come to their senses sometime after June 29th when Jeter is eligible to be taken off of the DL. But, then again, maybe they won’t. Rumors that Yankees fans have absolutely no sense have been rampant for years, especially in Boston.

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4 thoughts on “New York in State of Shock!”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    It is the Yankee’s…. and their fans are incredibly spoiled. They are always supposed to win, and all the good players want to play in NYC. They pay the best, and with the money comes the responsibility of winning. Heaven forbid, Derek Jeter gets hurt. Its not like they aren’t loaded from one side of the bench to the other.

    Very few people remember the name of guy that took the day off to give Lou Gehrig a chance to get a start. Maybe his replace will develop into the next big thing. The irony of Lou Gehrig being a Yankee….

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. I had never even gone below the comments section so I never saw the bowling game or some of the other features you mentioned until you pointed them out in the survey. They are cute, but if we haven’t seen them or used them it’s hard to give the survey much weight. I do like you insightful cartoons and appreciate your creativity and sensitivity to the issues and discerning perspective..

  3. Good one, Drew……and yet I feel ever so slightly picked on…….but what will that matter when I get the T-shirt with one more ring on it?!

  4. Drew,

    Good Cartoon but I think we all know Yankee fans aren’t humble enough to realize that the end is near.

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