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NFL: Helmet 2 Helmet


The NFL has finally weighed in on the helmet to helmet hits. You know, the ones they like to see replayed 45 times on the nightly news programs. Anyway, they finally dolled out punishment for those hits that occurred over the weekend and proclaimed they are cracking down on the excessive violence. But is fining some multi-millionaire a measly $75,000 really going to deter the behavior? I don’t think so. Some of these guys spend that much in one stop at the roulette tables in Vegas during th off-season.

The punishment the cartoon is, of course, tongue in cheek about a very serious subject. I think the only way they can make these guys stop is suspend them without pay for a game or two. And stop allowing the hits to be glorified every night through constant replays on sports center. That’ll curtail. At least until next season when the league will have forgotten all about the issue.

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3 thoughts on “NFL: Helmet 2 Helmet”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    They used to have a segment on NFL primetime they called “jacked up” featuring some of the biggest hits of the weekend. we all ohhhhed and awwwwwed at the hits but it wasn’t us getting hit so it was fun to watch.

    There should be an immediate ejection from the game for ANY illegal hit. It can be from a linebacker to a qb or a safety on a running back or receiver. any illegal hit is grounds for immediate ejection and a one game suspension.

    I have seen some big hits in high school games and according to our son CO is telling each h.s. team that they must have a coach that has been trained to recognize and test for concussions on the field to protect the players. that is a good move.

    I still remember the story about Mike webster, the center for the steelers back in the 70’s, and how when after all the years of banging helmets on the interior of the line he died, they found that the front part of his brain had been beaten up so badly it had calcified. Because of this calcification, he had developed alzheimers and other disabilities and was found wandering the streets and living in bus stations. A truly sad story.

    and yet the NFL refuses to take care of its former stars, like webster, butkis, and others who played before the money got to where it is today with a pension while it continues to make millions, but that is a story for a different day.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. Dear Mr. Litton,

    I remember the recent incident with Ben R. (can’t spell his last name for beans but I mean the Pittsburgh QB). For his actions he was suspended 6 games which was reduced to four after going through some sort of rehab or treatment as I recall. Why not have the punishment for helmet to helmet hits be equal to that? First it would get the attention of the players. The coaches would drill (no pun intended) into the players the need to not have helmet to helmet collisions. A 4-6 game suspension could potentially impact the team risking their chances to make the playoffs.

    It sort of reminds me of a cartoon you did years ago. The one where you drew an Oakland Raider in the first panel with the phrase,”This cheap shot cost him 15 yards”. In the 2nd panel you had Darryl Stingly and the phrase,” This cheap shot cost him a lifetime.

    I’ll get off my soapbox.

    All the best.


  3. Rugby is every bit as rough and hard-hitting as football, but has far fewer injuries. One key difference may be the tackling rules: a player must be wrapped up and taken to the ground. Penalties are given for Shirt-pulling, any contact above the shoulders or knocking down an opponent without maintaining a grasp.

    Not only would that elminate some injuries and punish violators on the field of play without the need of fines (Most NFL players would rather part with a few thousand bucks than 15 yards in the 4th quarter), but it would also reward more fundamentally-sound tacklers.

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