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NFL Lockout: The winners are…


So the Players and Owners spent the day in court. Wonderful way to spend your off-season. I’m personally allergic to lawyers. I break out in hives and have this uncontrollable urge to watch Perry Mason reruns whenever I even hear the word “lawyers”. And the sad part of this whole NFL Lockout is the only ones having fun are the bloodsucking lawyers. That pretty much sums up just how stupid the whole mess is.

I happened upon this very interesting article online today about the current state of the comic and cartooning industry. Here’s a link to the article from the Village Voice.

So it got me to thinking that it’s OK from time to time for me to post something like this to remind all of you that if you like the blog and want to help preserve the species, please feel free to give a little under the couch cushion change to the cause. Thanks. You can just click the image to go to paypal.

Enough pandering, on to some videos!

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4 thoughts on “NFL Lockout: The winners are…”

  1. Good Morning from Omaha,

    Hammer, meet Nail…you couldn’t have written truer words if someone had put a gun to your head. The only ones who make ANY money in most sad situations are the lawyers. Even in death, after the funeral home…you guessed it, come the lawyers. And with a will you pay hopefully well before you die. I believe william shakespeare said something about killing all the lawyers but in the long run a lawyer assures justice and speaks up for the little guy against power. they protect the us’s against the thems and in most cases its not personal, its business. They are our advocates and assure that the rules of life and the constitution are followed. They are a necessary evil…like oil and our economy…if it were just gas in the cars it would be one thing but oil is in almost everything we see, wear and use every day.

    WHOA nellie…I wandered down another path again this morning.

    Strive for excellence, nothing but your best.


  2. #Singing# (Parody-and may the ghost of John Lennon forgive me.

    Imagine there’s no lawyers. Its easy if you try. No motions or lawsuits. (That’s all I know of the song)

    Yeah, hating the lawyers is an easy topic. Unless you happen to be the one who needs them from being locked up for something you didn’t do. I think it was Ben Franklin who said,”The man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.”

    Drew, I’ll know more about my wrist later today when I see the doctor.

    Gene: The surgury I had was due to a blood clot in the area where I have dialysis. For now I have to wear something called a cathater in my chest so I can continue dialysis while all the work on my wrist in being done. Hopefully I can get it removed fast. Can’t sleep on my belly while it’s in there.

    Gene: About Wrestlemania I agree with your assessment. The only thing I would add is that when Michael Cole came out to wrestle Jerry Lawler, my best friend made the remark that Cole looked like a giant Creamsicle which busted me up.

    Well thats my thoughts for today

    All the best


  3. Best Lawyer Jokes:

    What do you have with a room full of Lawyers up to their waist in Hot Water?

    Not enough water.

    A Ship full of Lawyers sinks in the Ocean with all on board lost the nest day’s headlines were “A Good Start”.

  4. Drew,

    What we are seeing in the court are the owners and players hiring and using proxies to improve their respective negotiating positions. The lawyers are making money now only because the owners and players are trying to out-screw each other. If both sides were acting in good faith, the mess would still be at the bargaining table and not in court.


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